
A Pornhub-Style Logo Service.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Pornhub-Style Logo Service.

This project takes inspiration from Shields IO.


Simply use a well-formed URL as an image, which follows this spec:


Component in <> means required, in [] means optional.


  • HostURL: The root URL where the project be deployed.
  • Prefix: Prefix text on the logo, can not be empty.
  • Suffix: Suffix text on the logo, can not be empty.
  • FontSize: Font size for prefix and suffix, in range of 30 to 200, default is 60.
  • Format: Image file format, supports svg/png/webp, default is "svg".
  • Parameters: QueryString-encoded optional parameters, see below for details.


  • scheme: Color scheme of the logo, supports black/white, default is "black".
  • transparent: Set background to transparent or not, default is "false".
  • padding: Padding size around the logo, unset or negative will use a default size.


  • Prefix and Suffix can not contain any of CJK characters.



Feel free to use the example service.

But it is recommended to deploy this project to your own server, because the example service is under a free quota.

Google App Engine:

gcloud app deploy gae-app.yaml

Heroku: TODO
