

The idea for this project was gotten from the Coding Challenges website.

It is my own version of wc, a Unix command line tool that displays the number of lines, words, and bytes contained in each input file or standard input.

This implementation works with standard input, and one input file (multiple files not supported yet).

Testing Setup

To test this locally:

  • Clone this repository

  • cd into the local repository location from your terminal

  • install dependencies:

bun install
  • Run it: You can run it via one of the following methods:
bun run index.ts <args> <filename>


alias ccwc="bun run index.ts"
ccwc <args> <filename>

or (to allow you run it from anywhere on your computer):

bun link
bun link ccwc
ccwc <args> <filename>

Available Flags:

  • -l: Output the number of lines
  • -m: Output the number of characters.
  • -c: Output the number of bytes.
  • -w: Output the number of words.

This project was created using bun init in bun v1.0.21. Bun is a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime.