E-Hostel Management System Developed by Tamunokorite Victor Briggs 191212016

NOTE: Before running this code, you need to create a database named ehms and run the commands in ehms.sql

User Guide:
1, Visit http://localhost/tamunokorite-ehms (if server is running on localhost)
2, Login, if you have an account, or click on create account to create a new one
3, Click on view rooms to see rooms
4, If your room of choice is available, it will show 'apply now'. Click  that, and fill the application form and wait for verification from the admin.
5, If your room of choice is unavailable, it will sho 'join waiting list'. You can choose another room type or click on join waiting list, to join the waiting list for that room type.
6, If your application has been verified, you will see 'pay fees' in the navigation bar. Click on that to pay feees.
7, Visit the 'hostel support' section to contact a hostel agent, lodge a complaint, or book an appointment with the counselor.
8, Visit the 'information centre' section to view hostel announcements, food menu, and other information.

1, Visit http://localhost/tamunokorite-ehms/administration (if server is running on localhost)
2, Login with username 'manager1' and password 'hostelmanager1' (after creating database ehms, and running/copying ehms.sql)
3, Click view applications to see applications from Students.
4, Verified applications will appear in green, and unverified applications will appear in red.
5, Click on an application to view full details, and verify it if it has not been verified.
6, Visit the 'view records' section to see hostel records.
7, Click 'view students' to view/delete students in the histel database.
8, Click 'view rooms' to view/add/delete rooms in the hostel database.
9, Click 'view inventory' to view/add/delete inventory items in the hostel database.
10, Visit the 'information centre' section to view/add/delete hostel announcements, food menu, and other hostel information.