Hey There! 👋

I'm Tamunokorite Briggs, a passionate software engineer who loves building things.

About Me

  • 🚀 Software Engineer | Backend and Full Stack Enthusiast
  • 🌱 Lifelong Learner | Problem Solver
  • 👨‍💻 Open to Internship and Entry-Level Opportunities

Tech Stack and Skills

  • 💻 Python, JavaScript, PHP, TypeScript
  • ⚛️ React, React Bative, Node.js, Next.js, Django, Laravel
  • 🗄️ MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firestore
  • ☁️ Firebase
  • 🏗️ System Design

Current Project: Interna

🌐 I'm currently building (with a team) Interna, a platform that aims to empower students by providing them with access to internship opportunities. As a recent graduate myself, I understand the importance of gaining practical experience, and Interna is my way of making that journey smoother for fellow students.

Let's Connect and Code Together

I'm always happy to connect with fellow developers to collaborate on projects, and learn from each other. Here's where you can find me:

P.S. I'm open to internship or entry-level roles! If you also want to collaborate on projects, bring ideas to life, or simply connect over our shared passion for tech. Reach out to me at obriggs03@gmail.com.