Project Name: zuri-backend-task-2


This is a sample file for a Node.js Express API using Firebase for authentication and database operations.

Table of Contents


  • Node.js and npm installed
  • Firebase project with Admin SDK credentials


To get started with this project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Change directory to project folder:

    cd zuri-backend-task-2
  3. Install Dependencies:

    npm install


Firebase Configuration

  1. Create a Firebase project on the Firebase Console (

  2. Obtain your Firebase Admin SDK credentials JSON file and place it in the project directory.


You can run the API in development or production mode.

Start the API (Development Mode)

npm run dev

Start the API (Production Mode)

npm start

API Endpoints

POST /api

  • Description: This endpoint is used to create a new person in the database.
  • Request: Expects a JSON object in the request body containing person data.
  • Response:
    • If the person is successfully created, it returns a JSON response with a success message and the ID of the newly created person.
    • If there is an error, it returns an error response with a message.

GET /api

  • Description: This endpoint retrieves information about a person based on their user ID.
  • Request: Expects a query parameter user_id in the URL to specify which person to retrieve.
  • Response:
    • If the person exists, it returns a JSON response with a success message and the person's data.
    • If the person doesn't exist, it returns a 404 error response with a message.
    • If the request is invalid, it returns a 400 error response.

PUT /api

  • Description: This endpoint is used to update the information of a person based on their user ID.
  • Request: Expects a query parameter user_id in the URL to specify which person to update. The updated person data should be in the request body.
  • Response:
    • If the person is successfully updated, it returns a JSON response with a success message.
    • If the person doesn't exist, it returns a 404 error response with a message.
    • If the request is invalid, it returns a 400 error response.

PUT /api

  • Description: This endpoint is used to delete a person based on their user ID.
  • Request: Expects a query parameter user_id in the URL to specify which person to delete. The request body is not used.
  • Response:
    • If the person is successfully deleted, it returns a JSON response with a success message.
    • If the person doesn't exist, it returns a 404 error response with a message.
    • If the request is invalid, it returns a 400 error response.