Group members:
- Dung Nguyen - 1652119
- Thinh Tran - 1652578
- Nhu Vo - 1652458
- Thu Tran - 1652599
- use command line
npm install
- to Start project
- Model: This project applies MVC model to structure the website in order to make it more maintainable and extendable
- Architecture:
Routing: all the requests will go to index.php, and will be redirected to appropriate controller. To make it simple, we just implement GET and POST method
View: this folder contains all views of the website. There is a View.php which is a class to take correspond view depend on argument
Controller: this folder contains all controllers of the website. Each webpage will have its own controller
Model: this folder is to manage connection of database as well as all queries
Classes: this folder contains all class definitions. Ex: User, CV, Router,...
- PHP: Back-end
- MySQL: Database
- Gulp: Compile SCSS, Browser Sync
- SCSS: To make writing CSS easier and maintainable
- Git Client: Sourcetree or Sublime Merge is good, or use the one included in VSCode or Atom.
- PhpStorm / Visual Studio Code: suggested text editor