
This is the second project of Udacity Nanodegree Scholarship.

Primary LanguageHTML


This is the second project of Udacity Nanodegree Scholarship : Landing Page

Landing Page

Using JavaScript to create a dynamic experience

The Landing Page Project showcases how JavaScript can be used to manipulate the DOM by creating and modifying elements.

  • It creates new elements, such as the top menu and its associated styles, and edits the styles and functionality of activated and deactivated elements.
  • Automatic scrolling on-click is also implemented.


  • The project includes a dynamically created navigation menu on the header that adjusts itself based on the number of sections in index.html.
  • Clicking on a navigation menu item will automatically scroll to the relevant section on the page.
  • The styles of the active section and its corresponding peer on the navigation menu are changed to indicate their status, while the previous active section and its peer return to their original styles.


  • The original index.html and css/styles.css are provided by [Udacity].
  • The original index.html provided by [Udacity] has 3 sections and 1 other section is added to test the functionality of adding new navigation menu items automatically. Additional sections are added to test the functionality of automatically adding new navigation menu items.
  • All other development features -including CSS new rules- are done in js/app.js.
  • Developed by [Tanisha Joshi] - Project 2 [Udacity].