
Project is a collaboration with HUB university students to learn and analyze data in businesses, cash flows or stocks. From drawing charts and analyzing data, making comments. The project is coded in python and will be implemented in the summer of 2023.

Analyze stocks - 17/05/2023:


Dữ liệu quý chứng khoán năm.csv Phân nhóm ngành 21042023.xlsx


Screenshot 2024-05-12 144353 Screenshot 2024-05-12 144808 Screenshot 2024-05-12 144816 Screenshot 2024-05-12 144825 Screenshot 2024-05-12 144833 Screenshot 2024-05-12 144755

Analyze revenue - 15/05/2023:

Screenshot 2024-05-12 150148 Screenshot 2024-05-12 150210 Screenshot 2024-05-12 150217

Analyze the group of jobs - 05/05/2023:


Ngành.xlsx Screenshot 2024-05-12 150624


Screenshot 2024-05-12 150633 Screenshot 2024-05-12 150637 Screenshot 2024-05-12 150642