- 0
Dependency conflict with React v19
#93 opened by minecrawler - 2
Support moving the segment.
#55 opened by mrybinski - 0
- 1
Add 'disabled' as a prop to ReactRanger
#7 opened by mjcarlin - 8
- 0
- 1
- 1
When the value of the min is equal to a negative number. Then drag one of the handles to 0. the segments change color incorrectly
#32 opened by alongolan1991 - 0
Can't install from repo
#69 opened by jrhe - 1
Support for react 18
#63 opened by mouad-harmouche - 12
Support for react@17.0.1
#22 opened by deadcoder0904 - 1
- 1
does it work with react-native
#18 opened by smooJitter - 1
Missing Typescript definitions
#35 opened by lopezjurip - 0
Add `focused` variable to each element of handles
#19 opened by tuanddd - 2
Improve A11y support
#16 opened by cassiozen - 4
- 0
Add onHandleClick prop
#8 opened by mjcarlin - 0
Can not drag on mobile
#9 opened by jingkai001 - 0
Improve ARIA Support
#1 opened by tannerlinsley - 0
Support native focus & keyboard input.
#2 opened by tannerlinsley - 2
Can't run `yarn start` on a fresh install
#4 opened by etimberg - 1
onRelease should have access to value
#10 opened by andrewdang - 4
Support non-linear ranges
#3 opened by etimberg