
Laravel MJML offers support for rendering MJML syntax into in-line HTML that can be sent within mails.

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Laravel MJML

Laravel MJML is a simple API wrapper for the MJML.io Render API. In case you don't know what MJML.io is, it is a language that helps building mails easier and faster without messing up with inline HTML. It has its own syntax that can be later rendered using their apps, online editor or their API.

This API wrapper comes with Mustache Engine integrated, so you can both render the MJML to HTML with applied values from Mustache.

If you don't know what Mustache is check this Medium article that explains better Mustahce and gets you started on how to use it in your email.


Install the package:

$ composer require rennokki/laravel-mjml

If your Laravel version does not support package discovery, add this line in the providers array in your config/app.php file:


Setting up the API

Since it is an API, you'll need credentials. For this, you will have to request yours from their API page: https://mjml.io/api by clicking Join the beta. It will take some time to get yours, so be patient.

To authenticate the API, you will have to call the Rennokki\LaravelMJML\LaravelMJML class and then, by chaining methods, to add your App ID and your Secret Key.

use Rennokki\LaravelMJML\LaravelMJML;

$api = (new LaravelMJML())->setAppId('app_id')->setSecretKey('secret_key');

Note: when making requests from the backend, just the Secret Key is required. If you plan to do it from the frontend, you will have to use your provided Public Key instead, since storing sensitive credentials in frontend is not possible.

Starting MJML

As MJML code, we'll use this throughout the readme:

        <mj-text font-size="20px" color="#F45E43" font-family="helvetica">
            Hello World


When rendering, simply calling the render() method will do the work for you:

$html = $api->render($mjml);

As a return, you will get the compiled HTML. In case this rendering failed, due to reasons, you will get null, for example:

$html = $api->render('<h1>MJML</h1>'); // null

Rendering with Mustache

If you got started with Mustache, you can render the MJML to HTML and then render the Mustache variables in your compiled HTML using the same method.

For this example, our MJML would look like this:

        <mj-text font-size="20px" color="#F45E43" font-family="helvetica">

You can call renderWithMustache method with MJML and an array which consist the parameters that need to injected:

$html = $api->renderWithMustache($mjml, ['message' => 'Hello World!']);