
KrawlDB is a NoSQL json database android library

Primary LanguageKotlin


KrawlDB is a nosql json database library which has a livedata prebuilt containing the elements from the database which you can observe on the main thread

Add the dependency for KrawlDB:

In your root gradle file add:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

In your app module add:

dependencies {
    // Replace $krawldb_version with the version in the release
    implementation "com.github.Tanay360:KrawlDB:$krawldb_version"

To get started follow the steps below

1. Initialize Database

You must initialize the database in a coroutine scope. The factory method takes in the context, lifecycleowner of fragment, activity or a composable, and the KClass object of the entity you will be using.

val db = KrawlDB.getDB<YourEntity>(context, lifecycleOwner, YourEntity::class)

If you are using compose, add the following dependencies to your app/build.gradle file

implementation 'androidx.compose.runtime:runtime-livedata:1.2.0-alpha01'
implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-compose:2.4.0"

2. Observe data

To observe data in an activity or fragment:

db.data.observe(lifecycleOwner) {
    // Your code here

To observe data in a composable:


3. Add elements to database

    elements = arrayOf(/* Your elements here */),
    listener = object: KrawlDB.OnTaskDoneListener {
        override fun onCompleted() {
            // Task is successful

        override fun onError(cause: Throwable) {
            // Error occurred in executing task


4. Get a single element by index from database

    index = indexOfElement,
    listener = object : OnTaskCompletedListener<YourEntity> {
        override fun onTaskCompleted(value: YourEntity) {
            // Task Completed Successfully
        override fun onTaskFailed(cause: Throwable) {
            // Task failed to execute

5. Update an element in database

    index = indexOfElement,
    newElement = objectOfYourEntity,
    listener = object: KrawlDB.OnTaskDoneListener {
        override fun onCompleted() {
            // Task is successful

        override fun onError(cause: Throwable) {
            // Error occurred in executing task


6. Delete an element from database

    index = indexOfElement,
    listener = object : KrawlDB.OnTaskDoneListener {
        override fun onCompleted() {
            // Task Completed Successfully!

        override fun onError(cause: Throwable) {
            // Task failed to execute!


7. Delete the whole database

db.deleteDatabase(object : KrawlDB.OnTaskDoneListener {
        override fun onCompleted() {
            // Task Completed Successfully!
        override fun onError(cause: Throwable) {
            // Task failed to execute!

Please note that all functions given above are called only after all tasks are executed! To call them before all tasks are done, just add the word sync after every function name

You can check out an example as well in the app directory of this repository although it is not documented.