
A simple implementation of the Android In-App Billing API.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Google In-App Billing Library v6+ API JitCI JitPack

A simple implementation of the Android In-App Billing API.

It supports: in-app purchases (both consumable and non-consumable) and subscriptions with a base plan or multiple offers.

image preview video example

Getting Started

  • You project should build against Android 4.1.x (minSdkVersion 16).

  • Add the JitPack repository to your project's build.gradle file:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  • Add the dependency in your app's build.gradle file:
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.moisoni97:google-inapp-billing:1.1.2'
  • Open the AndroidManifest.xml of your application and add this permission:
  <uses-permission android:name="com.android.vending.BILLING" />

Important Notice

  • For builds that use minSdkVersion lower than 24 it is very important to include the following in your app's build.gradle file:
android {
  compileOptions {
    coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled true

    sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_11
    targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_11

dependencies {
  coreLibraryDesugaring 'com.android.tools:desugar_jdk_libs:1.1.5'
  • For builds that use minSdkVersion lower than 21 add the above and also this:
android {
    defaultConfig {
        multiDexEnabled true

This step is required to enable support for some APIs on lower SDK versions that aren't available natively only starting from minSdkVersion 24.


  • Create an instance of BillingConnector class. Constructor will take 2 parameters:
    • Context
    • License key from Play Console
billingConnector = new BillingConnector(this, "license_key")
  • Implement the listener to handle event results and errors:
billingConnector.setBillingEventListener(new BillingEventListener() {
            public void onProductsFetched(@NonNull List<ProductInfo> productDetails) {
                /*Provides a list with fetched products*/

            public void onPurchasedProductsFetched(@NonNull ProductType productType, @NonNull List<PurchaseInfo> purchases) {
                /*Provides a list with fetched purchased products*/
                 * This will be called even when no purchased products are returned by the API
                 * */

            public void onProductsPurchased(@NonNull List<PurchaseInfo> purchases) {
                /*Callback after a product is purchased*/

            public void onPurchaseAcknowledged(@NonNull PurchaseInfo purchase) {
                /*Callback after a purchase is acknowledged*/
                 * Grant user entitlement for NON-CONSUMABLE products and SUBSCRIPTIONS here
                 * Even though onProductsPurchased is triggered when a purchase is successfully made
                 * there might be a problem along the way with the payment and the purchase won't be acknowledged
                 * Google will refund users purchases that aren't acknowledged in 3 days
                 * To ensure that all valid purchases are acknowledged the library will automatically
                 * check and acknowledge all unacknowledged products at the startup
                 * */

            public void onPurchaseConsumed(@NonNull PurchaseInfo purchase) {
                /*Callback after a purchase is consumed*/
                 * Grant user entitlement for CONSUMABLE products here
                 * Even though onProductsPurchased is triggered when a purchase is successfully made
                 * there might be a problem along the way with the payment and the user will be able consume the product
                 * without actually paying
                 * */

            public void onBillingError(@NonNull BillingConnector billingConnector, @NonNull BillingResponse response) {
                /*Callback after an error occurs*/
                switch (response.getErrorType()) {
                    case CLIENT_NOT_READY:
                        //TODO - client is not ready yet
                    case CLIENT_DISCONNECTED:
                        //TODO - client has disconnected
                    case PRODUCT_NOT_EXIST:
                        //TODO - product does not exist
                    case CONSUME_ERROR:
                        //TODO - error during consumption
                    case CONSUME_WARNING:
                         * This will be triggered when a consumable purchase has a PENDING state
                         * User entitlement must be granted when the state is PURCHASED
                         * PENDING transactions usually occur when users choose cash as their form of payment
                         * Here users can be informed that it may take a while until the purchase complete
                         * and to come back later to receive their purchase
                         * */
                        //TODO - warning during consumption
                    case ACKNOWLEDGE_ERROR:
                        //TODO - error during acknowledgment
                    case ACKNOWLEDGE_WARNING:
                         * This will be triggered when a purchase can not be acknowledged because the state is PENDING
                         * A purchase can be acknowledged only when the state is PURCHASED
                         * PENDING transactions usually occur when users choose cash as their form of payment
                         * Here users can be informed that it may take a while until the purchase complete
                         * and to come back later to receive their purchase
                         * */
                        //TODO - warning during acknowledgment
                    case FETCH_PURCHASED_PRODUCTS_ERROR:
                        //TODO - error occurred while querying purchased products
                    case BILLING_ERROR:
                        //TODO - error occurred during initialization / querying product details
                    case USER_CANCELED:
                        //TODO - user pressed back or canceled a dialog
                    case SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE:
                        //TODO - network connection is down
                    case BILLING_UNAVAILABLE:
                        //TODO - billing API version is not supported for the type requested
                    case ITEM_UNAVAILABLE:
                        //TODO - requested product is not available for purchase
                    case DEVELOPER_ERROR:
                        //TODO - invalid arguments provided to the API
                    case ERROR:
                        //TODO - fatal error during the API action
                    case ITEM_ALREADY_OWNED:
                        //TODO - failure to purchase since item is already owned
                    case ITEM_NOT_OWNED:
                        //TODO - failure to consume since item is not owned

Initiate a purchase

  • Purchase a non-consumable/consumable product:
billingConnector.purchase(this, "product_id");
  • Purchase a subscription with a base plan:
billingConnector.subscribe(this, "product_id");
  • Purchase a subscription with multiple offers:
billingConnector.subscribe(this, "product_id", 0);
billingConnector.subscribe(this, "product_id", 1);
  • Cancel a subscription:
billingConnector.unsubscribe(this, "product_id");

Release instance

  • To avoid memory leaks don't forget to release the BillingConnector instance when it's no longer needed.
    protected void onDestroy() {
        if (billingConnector != null) {


Kotlin is interoperable with Java and vice versa. This library works without any issues in Kotlin projects.

The sample app provides an example for Kotlin users.

Sample App

Go through the sample app to see a more advanced integration of the library.

It also shows how to implement some useful public methods.


This is an open-source project meant to help developers to fastly and easily implement the Google Billing API.

The library uses a code base from a fork created by @Mustafa Rasheed and was heavily modified by me and later by other contributors.