👨‍💻 GOIT Team Project 👩‍💻

ExpenseTracker 💸

Bootcamp Group 61

HTML  CSS  JavaScript  React 

Git  GitHub  Figma 

Visual Studio Code 

📌 Blackout 🌚

GitHub GitHub GitHub GitHub GitHub GitHub GitHub GitHub GitHub


The 'Expense Tracker' online tool efficiently manages daily spending with a versatile layout that adjusts seamlessly for desktops, tablets, and mobiles at 1440, 768, and 375 pixels. Core features include main, authentication, transaction history, and primary transaction pages.

Global variables ensure consistent styling, and fonts are integrated. Redux manages states, storing the user's token in localStorage via redux-persist.

Responsive design, up to 375 pixels, introduces components like DecorationTab for balances and UserPanel for user settings.

Private and public routes, determined by user authorization, are implemented with components like SharedLayout, BgImageWrapper, Header, handling rendering and interactions for both authorized and unauthorized users.

Project Objective

The main goals of this collaborative project were to gain valuable experience in team collaboration, apply our existing skills, and efficiently accomplish tasks within a designated 6-day timeframe

Task management

✔️ Tetiana Porolo - Team Leader ◼ Setting up repository and common styles ◼ Codereview ◼ Backend ◼ Lazy routing

✔️ Anna Martsinovska - Scrum master ◼ Task organization ◼ Functionality of modal windows ◼ Modal window for Profile settings

✔️ Vugar Gasimov - Header ◼ Mobile menu

✔️ Oleksandr Hembaruk - Transactions chart

✔️ Kyrylo Shyrokov - Categories section ◼ Redux slice for categories ◼ Set up framer-motion animation for project ◼ Codereview

✔️ Olena Solonikova - Loader ◼ Layout ◼ Logout modal ◼ Public and private routes

✔️ Anton Popkov - Transactions history page ◼ Functions for transactions and user operations

✔️ Serhii Kolodiazhnyi - Main transactions page ◼ Transactions total amount ◼ Transaction form ◼ Codereview

✔️ Kyrylo Ivanov - Welcome page ◼ Register page ◼ Auth form