
PWM code for pumps

Primary LanguagePython

_____       ______                             _
|_   _|     |  ____|                           | |
  | |  _ __ | |__ ___ _ __ _ __ ___   ___ _ __ | |_ ___ _ __
  | | | '_ \|  __/ _ \ '__| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| __/ _ \ '__|
 _| |_| | | | | |  __/ |  | | | | | |  __/ | | | ||  __/ |
|_____|_| |_|_|  \___|_|  |_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__\___|_|

InFermenter Pump Manager

This module contains pump manager logic for the InFermenter (Infinite-Fermenter) system

All config is specified in config.ini, review the file and read the comments to get an idea of what does what


The InFermenter is comprised of 3 main components:

  • Pumpman
  • Transfer Tank
  • Temperature Sensor

A device may use between 1 and 3 components simultaneously


The pumpman module is a generic way to handle pumps with cycle timers and associated mixing pump

Transfer Tank

The transfer tank module manages the logic for emptying transfer tanks, given certain conditions

Temperature Sensor

The temperature sensor module is responsible for reading and broadcasting data taken from a one-wire-connected digital temperature sensor


The required libraries can be installed by running the install make target

Temperature Sensore Setup

The OneWire protocol directly writes to a file. The filename should be located at /sys/bus/w1/devices/<device_id>/w1_slave

Make sure the correct modules are loaded

sudo modprobe w1-gpio pullup=1
sudo modprobe w1-therm

Symlink the temp_sensor_log.py file to somewhere available in the system PATH.

Then, chmod +x the script to enable it to be run.

Configure the crontab to run every 5 minutes to get the temperature changes.

Finally, edit the file /etc/modules and add the following:

# /etc/modules
w1-gpio pullup=1