
Tangible Builder: Bundle assets, minify, lint, test

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tangible Builder

Develop, build, beautify, schema, docs, test, serve


Node.js must be installed, with its package manager, npm.


Add to package.json

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "tgb dev",
    "build": "tgb build"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@tangible/builder": "*"


npm install

From the project root folder, the builder is available on the command line as npx tgb. Run it to show command descriptions.


Place a file called tangible.config.js in app root folder.


module.exports = {
  build: [
      task: 'js',
      src: 'src/index.js',
      dest: 'build/app.min.js',
      watch: 'src/**/*.js'
      task: 'sass',
      src: 'src/index.scss',
      dest: 'build/app.min.css',
      watch: 'src/**/*.scss'

Build Tasks

The property build is an array of build tasks. Each task has the following schema.

Property Description
task js, sass, or html
src Source entry file (can use wildcards for html)
dest Destination file (must be folder for html)
watch Path of files to watch, in glob syntax
map Boolean - Set true to output source map


When building for React in the WordPress admin, add the following property to the js task.

react: 'wp.element'

When using Preact for a compact frontend library, use the alias property.

alias: {
  'react': 'preact/compat',
  'react-dom': 'preact/compat',


For building TypeScript, change the watch property of the js task to add file extensions.

watch: 'src/**/*.{js,ts,tsx}'


When using html, you can enable a static file server.

module.exports = {
  build: [
    // ...
  serve: {
    dir: 'build',
    port: 3000,
    reload: true
Property Description
dir Folder to serve from, usually build
port Port for the server
reload Enable live-reload on file changes (optional)

The server will run during dev or serve commands.


Make sure to build for production before a new Git commit


Build during development - watch files and rebuild

npm run dev

After running this command, it will wait and rebuild script and style as you edit the files.

Reload browser to see your changes.

When you're done, press CTRL+C to exit the process.


Build for production - minify script and style

npm run build

Make sure to build for production before publishing.

Lint and Beautify

The lint command ensures code standards, with warnings of any syntax/formatting issues.

npm run lint

The beautify command is similar to lint, but automatically fixes any issues with code standards.

npm run beautify

Commit any changes before running this command, because it can make changes to the code.

Exclude files

With some files, the beautify command has difficulty fixing them.

In that case, pass an option in the script in package.json to exclude the file.

For example, if the builder was installed as Composer module:

  "beautify": "./vendor/tangible/builder/run beautify --ignore=\"includes/file-name\\.php\""

If installed as NPM module:

  "beautify": "tgb beautify --ignore=\"includes/file-name\\.php\""

Note how double quotes and period must be escaped.