
The backend api for the Blog app built using Djuix.io

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Djuix.io - README.md

This README provides an overview of the project setup and instructions on how to run the server for your Djuix project.


This project uses docker, docker-compose, and bash script to set things up and run the server.

  1. Dockerfile: Basic Dockerfile configuration to build up the project
  2. docker-compose.yml: Docker compose configuration to streamline process
  3. start-server.sh: This controls every process


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose


Start the Django server

To start the Django server, run the following command in the terminal:


This script builds the project by running docker-compose build then starts the server by running docker-compose up -d, the -d signifies detach mode.


Ensure that the shell script (start-server.sh) have executable permissions. You can set the permissions by running the following command:

chmod +x start-server.sh

If you encounter any issues, please consult the Django documentation for further guidance.

At this point, what you have with you is mainly a django project.