
Semi-supervised Adaptive Distillation is a model compression method for object detection.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Semi-supervised Adaptive Distillation

Semi-supervised Adaptive Distillation is a model compression method for object detection. Please refer to our paper for more details. The code is implemented with official detectron and Caffe2.

Main results

Student model Baseline mAP Teacher model Baseline mAP Student mAP after distillation
ResNet-50 34.3 ResNet-101 36.0 36.5
ResNet-101 34.4 ResNext-101 36.6 36.8

We use the input scale of 600 for ResNet-50 and 500 for ResNet-101. The results are reported on COCO mini-val.


We include the custom caffe2 in our code. The requirements is the same as the offical detectron and Caffe2. To run our codes with official Caffe2, please add 2 operators. One is located at caffe2/modules/detectron/pow_sum_op.h and the other is located at caffe2/modules/detectron/sigmoid_focal_distillation_loss_op.h.


Please follow the official installation step of detectron.


  1. Teacher model: ResNet-101. BaiduYun, Google Drive
  2. Teacher model: ResNext-101. BaiduYun, Google Drive
  3. The annotation file for COCO 2017 unlabel data produced by the ResNet-101 teacher model above. BaiduYun, Google Drive
  4. The annotation file for COCO 2017 unlabel data produced by the ResNext-101 teacher model above. BaiduYun, Google Drive
  5. Student model after distillation: ResNet-50. BaiduYun. Google Drive
  6. Student model after distillation: ResNet-101. BaiduYun. Google Drive


python2 tools/train_net.py \
    --multi-gpu-testing \
    --cfg configs/focal_distillation/retinanet_R-50-FPN_distillation.yaml \
    --teacher_cfg configs/focal_distillation/retinanet_R-101-FPN_1x_teacher.yaml

We assume the weight file for teacher model is located at weights/R101_600/model_final.pkl and the annotations file is located at lib/datasets/data/annotations/image_info_unlabeled2017_r101_600.json.