
Find CTF flags by looking for the common prefix like you would with grep... but with a lot more efficiency !

Primary LanguagePython

GreppeurFou - A CTF flag finder

Ever tried to grep your way to victory in a CTF challenge by using the common prefix of the flags ?

This tool does it for you but with a lot more chance to find the flag by testing all sort of variations : encodings, encryption...

It will also gather any useful information that could lead your research : IP addresses, hashes, passwords...

Basic usage

Let's say you are part of a CTF where all flags follow some regex with a common prefix : CTF{[A-Za-z0-9!?_]*}
You can use this prefix to find the flag easily in a challenge.data file (or any other type of file), by testing all kinds of encodings for example.
To do that, simply run :

$ python3 greppeurFou.py challenge.data CTF

[*] Pre-calculating all flag formats
[*] Looking for flags in challenge.data

[+] FLAG FOUND in BASE64 in challenge.data, line 37:
    xercitation ullamco Q1RGe3RoaXNfaXNfYV9mbGFnX2luX2Jhc2U2NCF9 nisi ut aliquip ex 
    Decoded : CTF{this_is_a_flag_in_base64!}

Detailled commands

   ______                                              ______             
  / ____/_____ ___   ____   ____   ___   __  __ _____ / ____/____   __  __
 / / __ / ___// _ \ / __ \ / __ \ / _ \ / / / // ___// /_   / __ \ / / / /
/ /_/ // /   /  __// /_/ // /_/ //  __// /_/ // /   / __/  / /_/ // /_/ / 
\____//_/    \___// .___// .___/ \___/ \__,_//_/   /_/     \____/ \__,_/  
                 /_/    /_/                                               v0.4
                                                                          by Sopalinge

usage: greppeurFou.py [-h] [-v] [-r] [-p PASSWORD] [-d DELIMITER] file flag_header

This tool will try to find flags using the usual CTF{xxxxx} format of many CTF challenges

positional arguments:
  file                  file to inspect
  flag_header           first few characters of the flag

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         verbose output
  -r, --recursive       search recursively in a folder
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        try different techniques with a password
  -d DELIMITER, --delimiter DELIMITER
                        delimiter for the flag (default : {})

Current and ongoing features

  • Encodings
    • Cleartext
    • URL encoded
    • Octal
    • Decimal
    • Hexadecimal
    • Base32
    • Base64
    • Base64 - URL proof
    • Base85
    • BaseXX - flag hidden in bigger text
    • Braille
    • Morse
    • UTF-16
  • Encryption
    • XOR
    • ROT13
    • ROTxx
    • Vigenère
  • Info gathering
    • IP addresses
    • Hashes
    • URL
    • Domain names
    • Usernames
    • Emails
    • Passwords


Regex & inspiration : https://github.com/piratesecurity/CTF-Capture-The-Flag-/blob/master/Grep%20Commands