This utility is for Unity to configure application window style. With this utility, you can make your application window transparent, frameless and more.
Tested with Unity 2020.3 LTS and HDRP 10.3.2 on Windows 10 64-bit.
bool AppWindowUtility.Transparent { get; set; }
This will make application window transparent. In other words, you can see behind through application window.
Transparency is based on Unity's rendering result. So that you need to set camera background to Solid Color with alpha is set to zero.
NOTE: If you use High-Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) or something based on Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP), Color Frame Buffer setting needs to be set to RGB 16bit (or 8bit if available). Unity's default is RGB 10bit that Operating System doesn't support.
AppWindowUtility.SetWindowOpacity(byte opacity)
This will set overall window opacity. It works with see-thru window.
With Transparent enabled, window has no title bar so that you need a way to move window.
adds an ability to move window by dragging any area of application window.
To add this feature, create empty GameObject and attach WindowGrabber
You can still use uGUI controls if WindowGrabber is used.
bool AppWindowUtility.FullScreen { get; set; }
This will make window full screen or not.
NOTE: Use this instead of Unity's built-in
UnityEngine.Screen.SetResolution(width, height, isFullScreen)
to work better with App Window Utility.
bool AppWindowUtility.AlwaysOnTop { get; set; }
This will make application window stay on top of other windows while another application has focus.
bool AppWindowUtility.ClickThrough { get; set; }
This make application window non-clickable.
NOTE: You must implement a way to disable this feature not using mouse click. If not implemented, you cannot touch your application anymore.
bool AppWindowUtility.FrameVisibility { get; set; }
This will set window frame visibile or invisible.
NOTE: When enable transparent window, window frame will be automatically hidden.
AppWindowUtility.SetKeyingColor(byte red, byte green, byte blue)
This will Keying specified color from application window.
It's strongly recommended to use AppWindowUtility.Transparent
instead of this.
On Windows, applying AppWindowUtility.SetKeyingColor(0, 0, 0)
and then AppWindowUtility.Transparent = true
will change window composition mode to "Additive".
NOTE: This behaviour could be a bug of Windows.
Use DXGI Flip Model Swapchain for D3D11 must be turned off to work correctly.
If App Window Utility doesn't work as you expected, see Player Settings below for reference.
Color Buffer Format must be RGB 16bit (or something supported on Host OS) to work correctly. Other renderer based on Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP) needs setting like this too.
If you apply Transparent = true
and then FrameVisibility = true
, it will remove background filling from application window. Result is below, as you can see, background is filled with window frame color.
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