
Commandline tool for generating data sets for Tani dialects

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Commandline tool for generating language data sets for Tani dialects.

System requirements

Requires a Mac or Linux machine with Node.js (4+) and Neo4j installation.

Understanding the directories and files

The whole project is built around a directory named concepts, where directories/sub-directories of concept definition files are stored.

A concept definition file is just a .txt file with the following (YAML) structure.

Concept: Concise definition
[Note]: Any special note
[Example]: A list of examples

Note: All values under the "Example" section should be double-quoted.

For example:

Concept: Good to experience"
Note: "Used for describing quality of being"
 - apatani/hari: "kaa[pyo] = beautiful"
 - galo/aalo: "kaa[ken] = beautiful"
 - adi/pasighat: "kam[po] = beautiful"

Concept files can be created using the add command or manually. When adding manually, the file name should be next largest number in the directory and the sync --all command must be executed after it.

Dialect files, and hence queries, are created from these concept files.


  • concepts - directory of concept text files
  • dialects - text file under dialects/tribe/locality, which contain root word information for a particular dialect
  • queries - directory of acf files, ready to be pushed to the database


  1. Do not start editing the dialect files, till the concepts are clearly identified and organized a logical taxonomy. Any change in the structure of the concepts directory will destructively affect the dialect files.
  2. Make sure to quote any string that contains YAML special characters.

Adding concepts


Concepts can be added manually IN FUTURE. If any concept is manually added, the sync command must be run to update the dialect files.

The following command will add a new noun concept for "Animal", and assign the immediate largest number as its id (filename) and create the corresponding file in the concept directory n.

tani add n "Animal"

The following command will create a new noun concept file under the n/ornaments directory. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. Since the concept string is not specified, the file will be empty.

tani add n/ornaments

A new concept can be added and made to take over the id of an existing concept using the add @ command. In such cases, the existing file and all other files after it will be shifted by a value of 1.

tani add v@1 "Do"
tani add n/animals/insects@5 "Grasshopper"

Whenever a new concept is added using the add command, the corresponding dialects directory will be update to reflect the change.

tani compile --all and tani publish must be run after every add command to keep the source files updated.

Reading a concept

Read the entry for a concept:

tani read n/1

Read the entry in a dialect for a concept:

tani read n/1 apatani/hari

Moving/renaming a concept file

This will move n/10.txt to n/animals and assign it a new name based on the largest file id in the n/animals directory.

tani move n/10 n/animals

This will move n/10.txt to n/animals as 2.txt, while incrementing the existing file names starting from index 2.

tani move n/10 n/animals@2

The following will rename n/10.txt to n/1.txt. The pre-existing 1.txt will be renamed 2.txt, 2.txt to 3.txt, and so on.

tani move n/5 n@1

Deleting concepts


Concepts can be deleted manually IN FUTURE. If any concept is manually deleted, the sync command must be run to update the dialect files.

NOTE: When a concept file is deleted, the corresponding dialect file is also deleted.

The following command will delete an existing concept at the specified index.

tani delete n/10

All files starting from 11 will be decremented by 1. Do not delete concept files, if this behavior is not wanted.

The following command will delete all the existing concepts in a directory.

tani delete n/animals

To delete all the concepts:

tani delete --all

tani compile --all and tani publish must be run after every delete command to keep the query files updated.

Updating dialect files when new concepts are edited or added

Use this command to update dialect files when new concept are manualy added to the concepts directory, or an existing one is edited.

Note: If there are no dialect files, there is no need for syncing.

Scan all the concepts and apply the changes to the dialect files:

tani sync --all

Scan v and apply the changes to the dialect files:

tani sync v

Scan n/animals and apply the changes to the dialect files:

tani sync n/animals

Adding a new dialect

A dialect is identified using the tribe and locality (<tribe>/<locality>).

Add a new dialect:

tani init apatani/hari

This will create the apatani/hari dialect directory under the dialects dir at the root of the project. The corresponding dialect files for the dialect will be generated from the concepts directory.

This command merely generates the dialect files, the files need to be manually edited to make entries for the dialect by experts in the dialect.

A dialect can be initialized from an existing dialect, this saves time in making entries when the dialects have a lot of similarities.

tani init apatani/hija from apatani/hari

The dialect files for apatani/hija will be created by copying the contents of apatani/hari.

By default, the script used for making entries for a tribe is the one recommended by its apex body - Adi: ABK, Apatani: ALDC, Galo: GWS, Nyishi: NES. To use a custom script, create a script file in the scripts directory and modify the index.js file in the scripts directory.

Here is an example of specifying the script for making the entries for a dialect.

tani init apatani/gyati --script pss

Deleting dialects

Use the uninit command to delete the dialect directories generated by the init command.

Delete all the dialects:

tani uninit --all

Delete all the dialects of a tribe:

tani uninit apatani

Delete a dialect:

tani uninit apatani/hari


Search for entries in the concept and dialect files.

tani search <string>

Search for entries in concept files.

tani search <string> --concept

Search for entries in dialect files.

tani search <string> --dialect

NOTE: make sure to run the following command after add, move, or sync commands to update search results.

tani index


Concept and dialect files files have to be compiled to generate the query files. Only query files can be published.

Compile everything:

tani compile --all

Compile concepts:

tani compile concepts

Compile verbs:

tani compile v

Compile verb modifiers:

tani compile vm

Similarly for n, nm, adj, adj, conj etc.

Compile all the dialects of a tribe:

tani compile apatani

Compile a dialect:

tani compile apatani/hari

The generated queries directory can be regenarated using the compile command, so the directory should be put in .gitignore.


The publish command must be run at the root of the queries directory. It erases the existing entries in the database, and populate it with the new queries. The compile command must be run, before publish can be run.

Publish everything:

tani publish --all

Publish a specific tribe:

tani publish apatani

Publish a specific dialect:

tani publish apatani/hari

Publish a specific concept directory:

tani publish apatani/hari/n

Publish a specific concept:

tani publish apatani/hari/n/animals@10


Use the unpublish command to remove entries from the database. This will not affect the local files, only the entries in the database will be removed.

Unpublish everything:

tani unpublish --all

Unpublish a specific tribe:

tani unpublish apatani

Unpublish a specific dialect:

tani unpublish apatani/hari

Publish a specific concept directory:

tani unpublish apatani/hari/n

Publish a specific concept:

tani unpublish apatani/hari/n/animals@10

View changes

tani status
