
Overwatch is a team-based multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. It was released in May 2016 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Trailer (fan-made):

Quick Summary

We will be building out multiples structs, protocols, extensions along with multiples elements from UIKit to create a simple iOS app.


Create a new HeroAttributes.swift file.

In that .swift file, create an enum called HeroName. This enum should adopt the CustomStringConvertible protocol. When a type adopts a protocol, it must then conform to it. To conform to the CustomStringConvertible, you must provide (within your implementation of the HeroName enum) a read-only computed property called description of type String. Shortly, we will cover exactly how you will implement this read-only computed property.

The various cases of this HeroName enum should be as follows:

  • genji
  • mcCree
  • pharah
  • reaper
  • soldier76
  • tracer
  • bastion
  • hanzo
  • junkrat
  • mei
  • torbjörn
  • widowmaker
  • dva
  • reinhardt
  • roadhog
  • winston
  • zarya
  • ana
  • lúcio
  • mercy
  • symmetra
  • zenyatta

Conform to the CustomStringConvertible protocol by implementing the read-only computed property called description of type String. In your implementation, you should switch on self and for each possible case, you should provide a simple String representation. This means mostly capitalizing the first letter of the case. For example,

case .genji: return "Genji"

Still in the same .swift file, create another enum called HeroType which adopts the CustomStringConvertible protocol.

The cases of this enum are as follows:

  • offense
  • defense
  • support
  • tank

Conform to the CustomStringConvertible protocol by implementing the read-only computed property named description of type String. In your implementation, you should switch on self--each case should return a unique String. See the following chart:

  • offense should return back "💥"
  • defense should return back "🛡"
  • support should return back "🚑"
  • tank should return back "🐼"

On the HeroType, create a static read-only computed property called allTypes of type [HeroType]. It should return back the following array: [.offense, .defense, .tank, .support]

Head back up to the HeroName enum you created above. We will be creating a function.

This function should be a static function (meaning, it can only be called by the type itself and not on an instance of that particular type). The name of this static function should be heroes(with:) where it takes in one argument called type of type HeroType. The return type should be [HeroName].

In your implementation of this function you should switch on type (the parameter name) and for each case you should return back the following:

  • .offense should return [.genji, .mcCree, .pharah, .reaper, .soldier76, .tracer]
  • .defense should return [.bastion, .hanzo, .junkrat, .mei, .torbjörn, .widowmaker]
  • .tank should return [.dva, .reinhardt, .roadhog, .winston, .zarya]
  • .support should return [.ana, .lúcio, .mercy, .symmetra, .zenyatta]

Create an OverwatchHero.swift file.

Near the top of the file, below where you see import Foundation, I would like for you to type in the following code:

typealias Health = Int

This associates the word Health with the type Int. It's as if we created a type which is an exact replica of the type Int. We can now go across our code typing Health wherever we mean to type and use the Int type.

Create a protocol named Weapon. This protocol should require any conforming type to have the following:

  • An instance method called fire which returns a String value whenever it is called.
  • An instance method called heal which returns a String value whenever it is called.

Create another protocol called OverwatchHero which adopts two protocols of its own. OverwatchHero should adopt the following protocols:

  • Weapon
  • CustomStringConvertible

Remember, you can adopt multiple protocols on a type separated by a comma.

This OverwatchHero protocol should require any conforming type to have the following:

  • An instance property named name of type HeroName that is both gettable and settable.
  • An instance property named hitPoints of type Health that is both gettable and settable.
  • An instance property named heroType of type HeroType that is gettable.
  • An instance method called produceHeroType which returns a HeroType value whenever it is called.
  • An instance method called produceInitialHitPoints which returns a Health value whenever it is called.

By now, you should notice two things. The OverwatchHero protocol adopted the Weapon and CustomStringConvertible protocols, but we never conformed to them. We will be doing that shortly using extensions.

Create an extension on the OverwatchHero protocol. Within the scope of that extension, you should conform to the Weapon protocol by implementing the fire() and heal() instance methods.

Within your implementation of the fire() method, you should switch on the heroType (which is available to any instance which adopts and conforms to the OverwatchHero protocol. How do I know that? If you adopt/conform to this protocol, you must then provide an instance property named heroType of type HeroType--which is why it's available for us to use within the scope of this function).

When switching on the heroType, you should return back a String based upon the following cases:

  • offense should return "Offense: 👊🏽"
  • defense should return "Defense: ✋🏽"
  • support should return "Support: 👐🏽"
  • tank should return "Tank: ✊🏽"

Within your implementation of the heal() method, you should switch on the heroType instance property. You should return back a String based upon the following cases:

  • offense should return "Heal: ✖️"
  • defense should return "Heal: ✖️"
  • support should return "Heal: ❤️"
  • tank should return "Heal: ✖️"

Create another extension on the OverwatchHero protocol. Within this extension we will be implementing the produceHeroType and produceInitialHitPoints functions. By doing this, we're providing a default implementation. Any type which adopts/conforms to the OverwatchHero protocol will have these two methods available to them (for free!).

Within the produceHeroType function you should switch on the name stored property (which is available to any instance of the particular type which adopts/conforms to the OverwatchHero. This is why we're able to utilize it within the scope of this function). You should be returning back a HeroType value based upon the various cases. To see what case belongs to what HeroType, use the chart below:

In your implementation of the produceInitialHitPoints function you should switch on the heroType instance property. You should return back a Health value based upon the following:

  • If the heroType is .offense, we should return 250
  • If the heroType is .defense, we should return 250
  • If the heroType is .support, we should return 150
  • If the heroType is .tank, we should return 500

Create one more extension on the OverwatchHero protocol. Within this extension you should provide a read-only computed property called description of type String.

The String value you return should be like the following:

Name: Genji
Type: Offense: 💥
Attack: Offense: 👊🏽
Heal: Heal: ✖️
Hit Points: 250

You shouldn't copy that verbatim as I'm not looking for you to return that exact String. It should be formatted to fit the current instance. (Hint: Meaning, instead of writing Genji, use the name stored property instead.)

Create a new Hero.swift file.

In this file you should create a new struct called Hero. This type should adopt the OverwatchHero protocol.

This type should have the following instance properties:

  • An instance property named name of type HeroName
  • An instance property named hitPoints of type Health with a default value of 0
  • A read-only computed property called heroType of type HeroType. It should return the return value from a call to the produceHeroType() method it has available to it. Since the OverwatchHero protocol provided a default implementation to the produceHeroType() function, Hero gets this function for free. We can call on this produceHeroType() function anywhere in our Hero type. Here we're doing it within a read-only computed property and immediately returning the value.

Create an init function that has one argument. Its only argument is called name of type HeroName. In your implementation of this init function, you should assign the name value passed in to the instances name stored property. After doing that.. we're going to be assigning a new value (since we provided it with a default value of 0) to the hitPoints stored property. You should call on the produceInitialHitPoints() method here and its return value should be assigned to the hitPoints stored property.

Implement (not by copy/pasting as I've made it an image) the following two methods in your Hero struct.

Scroll back up to the top of your struct. Lets make two more read-only computed properties.

The first should be named image of type UIImage. You should call on the produceButtonImage() function here and return that value.

The second read-only computed property should be called profileImage of type UIImage and it should return the value returned by a call to the produceProfileImage() method.

Create a Game.swift file.

In this file, you should create a Game struct. In your implementation of this struct, it should have the following stored properties (all variables):

  • offenseCharacters of type [Hero], assigning an empty array as its default value.
  • defenseCharacters of type [Hero], assigning an empty array as its default value.
  • supportCharacters of type [Hero], assigning an empty array as its default value.
  • tankCharacters of type [Hero], assigning an empty array as its default value.
  • heroType of type HeroType with a default value of .offense

Next you should create an extension on the Game struct and provide the following function.

The function you should implement in the extension should be called createAllHeroes(). It takes in no arguments and returns nothing. It should also be marked as mutating because in your implementation, we will be mutating stored properties on self.

Ultimately this function needs to create instances of every single character.

Here's the tools you have available to you (tools that you implemented above).

HeroType.alltypes should return back to you an array of all the types of heroes.

HeroName.heroes(with:) takes in as an argument an instance of type HeroType which will return back an array of all the hero names of type HeroName for that particular HeroType.

In creating an instance of Hero, it takes in as an argument through its initializer an instance of HeroName.

You should create every hero (instances of Hero) and after creating them, appending them to the correct array.

The arrays we have to work with on this type are offenseCharacters, defenseCharacters, tankCharacters and supportCharacters so make sure you're appending the Hero instance to the correct array based upon their type.

After you're done implementing this function. Create an init() function. In that init() function you should call on the createAllHeroes() function you just implemented.

Now you should create another function called heroesForType() which takes in no arguments and returns back [Hero]. In your implementation of this function you should switch on heroType (the stored property available to self) and for each case return the appropriate array. If the case is .offense you should return offenseCharacters and so on.

After implementing this function, head back up to the top of the fle and create a read-only computed property called heroes of type [Hero]. It should call on the heroesForType() function you just implemented and return the value returned by a call to that function.

This concludes Part I

Part II has you implementing the UI.