
Dotfiles for Linux, managed by GNU stow.

Primary LanguageVim Script

My Mostly Stolen Dots


  • OS: Void Linux

  • WM: bspwm, i3-gaps, dwm

  • Terminal: st

  • File Manager: lf for TUI, Spacefm for GUI

  • Terminal Font: FuraCode Nerd Font Mono Bold, Hack Nerd Font Mono

  • Shell: zsh

  • Bar: polybar, dwm bar

  • Compositor: ibhagwan's Picom


i3-gaps: Mountains



Color Scheme is pretty much Fixed
What's on Screen: Polybar, feh, ufetch, cava

Credit: Vista1nik

Bspwm: Pywal

preview-Bspwm preview-Bspwm preview-Bspwm


Color Scheme is Changable Using Pywal, Most of The wallpapers in my Wallpapers Folder
What's on Screen: Polybar, pfetch

Credit: Me :)

Bspwm: Tea



Color Scheme is Made by me
What's on Screen: Polybar, pfetch

Credit: Me again :)

Bspwm: Lake

preview-Bspwm1 preview-Bspwm2


Color Scheme is Made by me
What's on Screen: Polybar, pfetch, neovim, Ranger

Credit: Meeeee

Bspwm: Forest

preview-Bspwm1 preview-Bspwm2


Color Scheme is Made by me
What's on Screen: Polybar, pfetch, colorpanes script

Credit: ME //I don't Steal Now a days

Dwm: Girl

preview-Dwm1 preview-Dwm2


Color Scheme is Made by me
What's on Screen: Polybar(coz Dwm Bar ugly), pfetch

Credit: ME

Bspwm: Nier

preview-Bspwm1 preview-Bspwm2


Color Scheme is Made by me
What's on Screen: Polybar, neovim, balls, feh

Credit: ME

Dwm: Solid

preview-Dwm1 preview-Dwm2


Color Scheme is Made by me
What's on Screen: Dwm Bar, shitfetch

Credit: ME


Clone my repo

$ Sudo xbps-install -S git                                  // Use ur distro's command to install Git
$ git clone https://gitlab.com/Tanish2002/dot-files
$ cd dotfiles/

Use stow

$ Sudo xbps-install -S stow                                // Use ur distro's command to install GNU-stow
$ stow <WM-Name> -t ~/
$ stow xrdb -t ~/
$ stow Wallpapers -t ~/
$ stow bin -t ~/

Do basic stuff like using pywal or xrdb and adding bin to $PATH

And Voilla That's All!!`


$ cd dot-files/
$ stow -D <WM-Name>
$ stow -D xrdb
$ stow -D Wallpapers
$ stow -D bin
$ cd ..
$ rm -rf dot-files/
$ sudo xbps-remove -R stow git                                // Use ur distro's command to uninstall GNU-stow and git

Some More Info

For helpful scripts Check Out: bin
For My build of st:Here

Here is a example of me...changing my Themes
