A data-visualization dashboard.
This is a React app which utilises "Chart.js" to visualize data on the app. The app uses different types of graphs and charts viz. bar-grapph, line-graph and pie-chart to represent data fetched from custom REST API. The app also allows user to set different filters, and the charts changes respectively to reflect the filtered data.
- React
- MaterialUI
- Chart.js
- React-Chartjs-2
To run the project locally
# clone this repository
git clone clone https://github.com/Tanishka-2000/data-visualisation-dashbaord.git
# go into the repository
cd data-visualisation-dashbaord
# install dependencies
npm install
# run the app
npm run dev
Here is the live working demo https://tanishka-data-visualisation-dashboard.netlify.app/
Please wait for 1 minute before data is visible in charts.
- Responsiveness
- Dark/Light mode
- Ability to filter data
- Easy to understand data and charts
The custom API used for this project can be found on https://github.com/Tanishka-2000/data-visualisation-api