EduBlocks - Blockchain Based E-Learning Platform
6th Semester Minor Project on Blockchain/Smart Contract applications in Education
- Online market-place for students, educators, content-creators, developers etc. to publish and purchase courses
- Custom ERC-20 standard Token (EDBX) for all transactions
- Rewards for students in the form of cryptocurrency
- Elegant UI for smooth and intuitive experience
- Security, authenticity, transparency and automation of tasks implemented using Smart Contracts
Assignment Submission
Tech Stack:
- Node.js
- React
- Bootstrap
- Express
- MongoDB
- Solidity
- Web3.js
- Truffle
- Ganache
- Metamask
How to Run
Deploy Contracts and Import Accounts
- Prerequisites: Install Metamask Chrome extension, Truffle CLI and Ganache GUI.
- Open Ganache and start a new workspace.
- Open Truffle CLI, and go to {download_path}/client
- Type "truffle migrate --reset" (since Migrations folder already exists in this repo). Otherwise, type "truffle compile"
- The contracts should now be deployed on host:, port: 8545 (default). Confirm by going to Contracts tab or run "truffle networks" in the CLI.
- Open Chrome browser, enable Metamask extension, go to settings and add new RPC network. Import your 10 accounts using 48 phrase mnemonic code from Ganache.
Run MongoDB & Express Server
- Open new terminal, run "mongod" to start the daemon.
- Open new terminal, go to {download_path}/server and type "npm start"
- You should see "Server up and running on port: {port}" and "Mongoose Connected Woohoo" in the terminal
Run React App
- Open new terminal, go to {download_path}/client and type "npm start"
- You should now be greeted with the homepage :D