Text Mesh for THREE.js

MIT LicenseMIT


npm version

easy way to create text meshes in 3d and 2d for TRHEE.js based on BufferGeometry and ExtrudeBufferGeometry.


 npm install three.text --save

note: is possible change the text dinamically without remove and create the text mesh again


play with me

How to use

Include script

 <script src="node_modules/three.text/src/THREE.Text.js"></script>

If you need include THREE.js in script

 var THREE = require( 'three' );

Create mesh

    var textMesh = new THREE.DText({
        text: "hello world"

or 3d:

    var textMesh = new THREE.DText({
        text: "hello world",

note: THREE.DText is correct Syntax

Add to scene or group:

    scene.add( textMesh );


  • text : Text to show
  • font : Font family of text (default : helvetik) , need a string with font route, the lib load font automatically.
  • divisions : Divisions of shape ( default : 2)
  • size : Size of text (default : 20)
  • color : Text color (default : red - 0xff0000)
  • Material : Mesh Material ( default : MeshBasicMaterial)
  • _3d : Build Mesh in 3d
  • extrudeSettings : Object settings for buid 3d Mesh (reference ExtrudeBufferGeometry)

Additional Method Mesh

  • setColor : For set color of Mesh , use color.setHex() method of material;
  • setMaterial : Change Material of Mesh
  • setFont : Change font of Mesh, need a string with font route.
  • setText : Change text of Mesh
  • setSize : Change size text
  • transform3d : Transform Mesh to 2d to 3d
  • transform2d : Transform Mesh to 3d to 2d
  • setExtrudeSettings : Change Object settings for build 3d Mesh: (reference ExtrudeBufferGeometry)


Alex Marcos Gutierrez
