
An experimental repo that gives an agent access to compute and coding resources

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Language Model Agent Platform

This project creates an experimental platform giving an agent access to compute and coding resources. It utilizes a React-based frontend, an Express backend, and integrates the LangchainJS agent library with GPT-3.5, managed and orchestrated using Kubernetes (k8s).



  • React Frontend: A dynamic user interface for interacting with the language model.
  • Express Backend: A server-side application handling requests to the language model and returning responses.
  • LangchainJS Agent Library: Integration layer for interacting with GPT-3.5, providing a bridge between the frontend and the model.
  • Kubernetes Deployment: Scalable and manageable deployment of resources, ensuring the agent has access to the compute resources it needs.

Getting Started


  • Node.js and npm
  • Docker (for Kubernetes deployment)
  • Access to OpenAI API (for GPT-3.5)


  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://yourprojectrepository.git
cd yourprojectdirectory