
Containerization for Rest api and mongodb services in Restapi-Task-1

Primary LanguageJava

Rest Api and Mongo containerization

Running seperate independent containers for api and mongodb via docker-compose


  • Java
  • Docker compose
  • Mongodb


  • DOCKERFILEMONGO => mongo container docker file
  • DOCKERFILERESTAPI => docker file for restapi container
  • Both containers can be run seperately and linked together by using docker run command with --link argument. The Implementation part of this documentation focuses on running both containers together via docker-compose.


  • Clone the repository onto your system
  • Navigate into the Restapi-Task-3/Task_3/RestApiRemastered/ and open terminal in that directory
  • Run the following command to start the api and mongo containers
$ sudo docker-compose up --build
  • To bring down the containers issue the following command
$ sudo docker-compose down

Points to note

  • Persistant database is stored at database/ folder inside the RestApiRemastered folder.
  • Queries to be made at localhost port 8080