Distributed System Project : Movie Booking App

This project is a ticket booking system where users can book tickets for movies. The application fetches movie, theater, and show information from an external API and stores it in a MySQL database. It utilizes Python, Django, Docker, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and MySQL for implementation.


  • Client Server Communication: Implemented using RPC and Socket programming
  • Multi Threading: Implemented Multi-threading by using thread pool executer. Celery to integrate with multi-threading for task scheduling and execution.
  • Clock Synchronization: Implemented clock sychronization using lamport's clock
  • Data Consistency: Implemented semaphores, mutex locks for consistency
  • Data Replication: Designed Master slave architecture for replication purpose across multiple containers.
  • Election Algorithm: Used Bully Algorithm for the election process of the master.
  • Load Balancing: Used Nginx and Docker for load balancing & deployment


  • Ticket Booking: Users can browse available movies, select showtimes, and book tickets.
  • API Integration: Movie, theater, and show information is fetched from an external API.
  • Data Storage: Information retrieved from the API is stored in a MySQL database.
  • Concurrency Handling: Mutexes, locks, and semaphores are implemented to ensure data consistency, especially in scenarios with multiple concurrent requests.
  • Containerization: Docker is used for containerization, enabling easy deployment and running multiple instances of the application.
  • Web Interface: A user-friendly web interface is provided for users to interact with the system.

Technologies Used

  • Python: Backend development and logic implementation.
  • Django: Web framework for building the application.
  • Docker: Containerization for easy deployment and scalability.
  • JavaScript, HTML, CSS: Frontend development for the web interface.
  • MySQL: Database for storing movie, theater, and booking information.
  • Nginx: Web server for serving static files and reverse proxying to Django.

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/your_username/bookmyshow.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd bookmyshow
  3. Build and run Docker containers:

    docker-compose up --build
  4. Access the application via a web browser at http://localhost:8000.

Commands to run:

  1. docker compose build
  2. docker compose up -d
  3. docker ps

To stop project:

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)