
Attempt at creating the same k8s deployment as the voting same app from docker public examples

Primary LanguageMakefile

Microservices Architecture with Kubernetes; An Example

This document serves as an outline of the sample docker / Kubernetes microservices application on Dockers public examples repo. As I am learning Kubernetes, I am creating a repo of my own to practice building this from scratch and not using the repo directly.

Sample Application

Voting app and vote result app

App Technology
voting app Python
in-memory db to store votes Redis
Worker to get updates in Redis and update Postgres C#
DB for result app Postgres
Result App NodeJS
  • As we can see, the architecture is simple but there are a lot of different applications / technologies in this micro-service app.
  • The reason it is so verbose is to demonstrate how Kubernetes can span / deploy / manage etc. any application, regardless of the language. It abstracts that all away and solely focuses on the main underlying needs of deployment, scaling, high availability etc.


Commands to Run Each App Image

You can see the sample app at the link below. It is from the docker examples repo.

In the link above, there is a docker-compose file which automates this all. For learning purposes, we are going to spin it all up from scratch

Command Explanation
docker run -d --name=redis redis Run the redis service
docker run -d --name=db --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres --env POSTGRES_USER=postgres postgres:15-alpine Run the db service
docker run -d --name=vote -p 5423:80 --link redis:redis dockersamples/examplevotingapp_vote Run the voting service
docker run -d --name=result -p 4141:80 --link db:db dockersamples/examplevotingapp_result Run the result service
docker run -d --name=worker --link redis:redis --link db:db dockersamples/examplevotingapp_worker Run the worker service for redis→PG

Since using scratch docker run commands, we need to link containers so they can talk to each other by container name (like we get in Docker-Compose). Since we are not using Compose, we need to do the manual links ourselves.

Deployment Goals

What to do

  1. Deploy the containers on K8s
  2. Enable connectivity between the pods
  3. Enable external connectivity from host to the clusters pods for voting and result apps


  1. Create pods for each micro-service

  2. Create services for each pod

    • We can define what service type to use by referencing the architecture diagram
    • It seems that the redis and db services are only accessed internally in the cluster by different services. This seems like a good use for ClusterIP
      • ClusterIP services:
        • redis
        • db
    • It seems that the voting app and result app talk to the db and redis, but need to be accessible by the outside world. This means we can use a NodePort or LoadBalancer . Because we are running this on our laptop, we have a single node cluster and therefore should use NodePort types as we don't want to set up a mock-cluster server
      • NodePort services:
        • vote
        • result
    • Lastly, it seems that the worker service is only talks to redis and db services to do some work, but is not directly hit by redis or db, therefore we do not need a service for this pod. We can just run it as a pod and leave it as is.

    Remember, if an application needs to be exposed (accessed by others i.e Pods, external users etc.) it need a Service . If it does work but is not accessed by anything, then it can live on its own.

  3. Access the voting app


  1. Run the images locally and test you have access to the voting app and result app
Make run-images

If this works, you have everything set up and working as intended. If not, you need to troubleshoot and fix the issue before moving on.