
Angular/Laravel boilerplate application, with Foundation & Angular Foundation.

Primary LanguagePHP

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This is a boilerplate for an Angular application using Laravel as a backend API service, with Foundation and Angular Foundation thrown in.

Getting Started

To begin setting up the application, clone this repository

git clone git@github.com:zacksmash/angular-laravel.git

Next, install all dependancies

composer install
npm install
bower install

Then, add a .env file for Laravel and configure an app key

cp .env.example .env && php artisan key:generate

After that has finished, open the .env file and enter your database credentials

Now, you can now migrate the database

php artisan migrate

Next install the dependancies for Angular in the angular directory

cd resources/assets/angular && bower install && cd ../../..

Finally, run gulp and start the server

gulp && php artisan serve

You should now have a fully functioning application on http://localhost:8000

You can register a user by going to /register

Remember to run gulp watch while developing

Angular via Yeoman

The Angular application lives in resources/assets/angular/app. This is where you'll build Views, Controllers, Services and anything else Angular related.

This project utilizes Yeoman's Angular Generator. Make sure you have that installed before moving on.

npm install -g yo generator-angular

After you've successfully installed Yeoman, you can begin using the generator from the angular directory.

cd resources/assets/angular

Now, you can do things like yo angular:route [page-name], which will generate a view and controller for that page, as well as update your routes array in the app.js file.

Visit the Yeoman Documentation for more info on generating Angular components.

All asset handling is done via Gulp, so you will not need to adhere to the Grunt documentation from Yeoman.


  • ☑️ Add in a sample API endpoint and retrieve data from it
  • ☑️ User auth, either via Laravel's built in authentication or JWT
  • Probably a lot more...

More instructions to follow!