
A feature-full Discord bot with modern features and made to be easily runnable on your own server!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Custom moderation bot for the Learn Japanese and Car Community Discord servers


Self Hosting

Self hosting is not supported at the moment


Many of these features are optional and may be turned off in the config.js file

  • Message edit and delete logs with attachment support
  • Slash commands with required fields. Moderators will never need to memorize syntax, so syntax will never be a problem for mods. Also requires mods to always input a reason for their actions.


  • Anti-discord server advertisement. Automatically warns users, tells them to DM the owners for partnerships, and times them out for 10 minutes to prevent spam.
  • Kicks accounts newer than 7 days, bans them for spam joining after recieving warnings
  • Designed to be mobile friendly. Placing IDs and user mentions from logs outside of embeds, so that mods on mobile devices can quickly and easily get the information they need copied to their clipboard


  • Ban appeal system

    bappeal bappeal2

  • Turtlemode, slowmode but only for individuals, not channel-wide

  • Mutes via mute role

  • Warning system, automatically logged kicks, mutes, bans, turtlemodes


  • Role management via commands
  • Staff role checking, so that moderators do not need ban, kick, manage_anything permissions in order to moderate the server
  • Command cooldowns to stop abuse of the bot to mass ban/kick members
  • Nitro role selector. Configure nitro roles and allow people to pick out which ones they want from a dropdown


  • sendDM command to send users DMs from the bot
  • User inputs via mentions, user IDs, usernames, and tags

usrmen1 usrmen2 usrmen3 usrmen4

  • Duration input in both English and Japanese (Kanji)


  • Fun/Misc. commands can be used in any channel by staff members, but normal members are told to instead run the command in your bot command channel


  • Bulk message deletes (Ex: Banning a user and deleting their messages on ban) are logged in a human readable format either online or sent via file in your secondary-logs channel


  • Highlighter: Choose words and phrases and the bot will alert you (A maximum of once per 10 minutes) every time that word or phrase is said in the server!

hl1 hl2

  • Allow users to see the banned words of a server using the /bannedwords command
