
MERN Stack Booking Website

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MERN Stack

MongoDB - Express - React - Redux - NodeJS

MERN stack is intended to provide a starting point for building full-stack JavaScript applications, including dynamic web apps. The stack is made of MongoDB, Express, React, Redux, and NodeJS.


  • Client demo
  • Admin demo
  • Back-end demo
  • Dummy accounts:
    • Admin account: qwe password: qwe

Project Breakdown

1. API Server

2. React Client

3. Admin

  • Directory admin
  • Todo:
    • Verify Admin
    • Product management pages
      • Product list page
      • Product edit page
    • User management pages
      • User list page
      • User edit page
    • Material design - Material-UI

Getting started

1. Clone or download the BookingWebsite repository

Usage (run fullstack app on your machine)


notice, you need client and server runs concurrently in different terminal session, in order to make them talk to each other

Client-side usage(PORT: 3000)

$ cd client          // go to client folder
$ yarn # or npm i    // npm install packages
$ npm start       // run it locally

Server-side usage(PORT: 5000)

// in the root level
$ cd api
$ yarn # or npm i    // npm install packages
$ npm start       // run it locally

Admin usage(PORT: 3001)

// in the root level
$ cd client   // go to server folder
$ npm i       // npm install packages
$ npm start // run it locally