
A React Application

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  1. Only Integer Input - Both the input field only integer inputs, try typing in character or string inputs, you can't don't worry. Thanks to the JavaScript function onKeyPress combined with regular expressions. You cannot input negative numbers as well. I mean who would want to the multiplication table of -4 * 5 right.
  2. Default values are 1 and 5 - Sometimes user have the tendency to test the application without typing anything. In this case if you do so, both the fields will take the values 1 for the number and 5 as the range and display 1 * 1 till 1 * 5 as the result.
  3. Clear Buttons clear everything - If you have so many numbers that are disturbing you, then just use the Clear button to clear them in a jiffy.
  4. Very Responsive - I have tested the application on my smart phone i.e. OnePlus 6T and worked perfectely well on the emulator as well. The application fits very well to any type of screens.


Netlify is used to deploy the project on the internet

  1. Create and set-up an Account in Netlify
  2. In your Visual Code Terminal Stop the Server using Ctrl-C
  3. To create a production build use yarn build or npm build use it accordingly.
  4. After successfull installations you will get a build folder in your project.
  5. Install the Netlify CLI from the Visual Studio Code Terminal.
  6. Use the command to install netlify CLI - npm install netlify-cli -g
  7. Sometimes you might get an error as ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system.
  8. There are multiple ways to solve this. One of the easiest ways is to install Netlify on your Main Command Prompt not the Visual Studio Code one.
  9. You need to login to Netlify using netlify login. Enter all the credentials to log in.
  10. To deploy the project lastly you need to type netlify deploy.
  11. If you get an error saying site not found, then you need to unlink it by saying netlify unlink
  12. Make Sure you select "Create and Confiugure a new site". Sometimes it will ask your team name (Netlify Team Name).
  13. You can choose a random site name or give a custom one. Make sure to give a unique one.
  14. Provide the Build Directory as ./build.
  15. The suite would not yet been deployed from the given URL.
  16. Go to your Netlify Dashboard to the project. Click on Site has not yet been Deployed. Again click on Deploy Preview this will unlock the Preview Deploy which is a temporary URL.
  17. After viewing the Preview, click on Publish deploy option to deploy your project.
  18. Now you project is live and deployed on the internet.

GitHub Commands

Use the below given Git commands from the Visual Studio Code to either push, commit and pull to the GitHub Repository.

  1. git remote add origin add-your-git-link - To connect to your GitHub Repository

  2. git add README.md - To specifically add new files

  3. git commit README.md -m "Fixed the Typo" - To commit file changes with a message

  4. git push -u origin master - To push the changes to the repository

  5. git pull origin master - Before committing or pushing always pull the changes

  6. rm .git/index.lock - Use the below command in the root directory of the application. This will delete the index.lock file and release the active lock