
Course Description

Main concepts of data communications and networking architectures and standards. Data transmission, transmission media, error detection and correction and data link control protocols. Overview on LANs, Ethernet and Internet Protocol. Learn about LAN network design. Study one or more advanced networking technologies

This course has no assignments but a term project

Project Proposal

Every student must decide one idea to work on for the project. Each student should read at least one survey paper from one of the IEEE journals (or similar high level journals) about the idea. The instructor will provide feedback on project ideas; if you'd like more detailed feedback, come chat with him in person. By the proposal deadline, you must submit a two-three-page proposal describing: the problem you want to address, how you plan to address it, and what are you proposing to specifically design and implement.

Deliverables: Two-three-page proposal

Proposal can be found here

2. Midterm Report

In this phase, every student will select three journal papers and three conference papers that propose different solutions related to the project idea. Selected papers must be indexed by IEEE Xplore (or similar high level conferences/journals) and must be published 2015 or after. Based on the proposed papers every student will introduce a survey about the proposed solutions for his/her project.

Deliverables: Survey about proposed solution

Midterm Report can be found here

3. Final Report

Every student has to choose between either proposing a new solution or implementing one or more of the solutions proposed in part two.

  1. New Solution

If you decide to propose a new solution (e.g. by enhancing one of the solutions presented in part two), you need to read three more papers (same criteria as before). At the end, a final report including all of the previous deliverables in addition to the proposed solution has to be submitted.

  1. Implementation

If you decide to implement one of the solutions proposed in part two, then a piece of software representing the implementation and a final report should be submitted. A final presentation is required from student.

Deliverables: Final report

Final Report can be found here