This repository contains Flat-file CRUD operation implementation of 5 model classes along with MySQL implementation. The database required to run this project can be created by running the provided SQL script "database.sql".
Intellij IDEA Community Edition 2018.2
XAMPP Control Panel v3.2.2 (for monitoring the database)
MySQL Server 8.0
Java (for coding the backend of the software)
SQL (for querying from the database)
JDK 1.8.0_181
MySQL JDBC Driver 5.1.23
- MySQL: Edit the properties file located here “src\databases\mysql\resources/” with your credentials.
- Flat-File: The .csv files will be created here “src\databases\flatfile\files” after first time running the program.
- Student (id, name)
- Faculty (initials, name, rank)
- Course (code, title, credit)
- Section (id, sectionNumber, semester, seatLimit)
- Registration (id, studentId, sectionId)
There are total of 100 test cases in the “Test” package.
The model test methods for Flat-File implementation of the DAOs are:
- testToCSV()
- testFromCSV()
- testCreate()
- testRetrieveById()
- testRetrieveAll()
- testRetrieveByFilter()
- testUpdate()
- testUpdateWithWrongId()
- testDelete()
- testDeleteNonExistent()
- testDeleteAll()
The model test methods for MySQL implementation of the DAOs are:
- testCreate()
- testRetrieveById()
- testRetrieveAll()
- testRetrieveByFilter()
- testUpdate()
- testUpdateWithWrongId()
- testDelete()
- testDeleteNonExistent()
- testDeleteAll()