Java Project 1: Treehouse tech degree
In this game, the user chooses the type of item to be placed in a jar. Then, the user is asked for a maximum number of this item that can be placed in the jar. The program chooses a random number of the item to fill the jar with. The user is given hints as to whether their guesses are too high or too low. When the number is guessed, a count of the number of attempts is reported.
What type of item?
What is the maximum amount of peaches?
How many peaches are in the jar? Pick a number between 1 and 9:
Your guess is too high
How many peaches are in the jar? Pick a number between 1 and 9:
Your guess is too low
How many peaches are in the jar? Pick a number between 1 and 9:
You got it in 3 attempts