
Make server a Env Var for ArgoCD Lab

tkrausjr opened this issue · 1 comments

One suggestion for the ArgoCD when you commit. You may want to try externalizing the --dest-server into an var that is easily reusable in the docs

e.g.: SERVER=$(argocd cluster list -o json | jq '.[0] .server')

Then in the docs your commands will work exactly as-is:
argocd app create fortune-app-prod
--repo https://github.com/Pivotal-Field-Engineering/tkg-lab.git
--revision argocd-integration-exercise --path argocd/production
--dest-server $SERVER
--dest-namespace production
--sync-policy automated

@tkrausjr I think this has been resolved by commit: 319b0d4. which is currently in master. Suggest closing.