- 0
- 3
- 2
Incorporate PSPs
#90 opened by agregory999 - 10
Oauth 2: Failed to refresh token
#71 opened by GuillaumeMorini - 3
Re-structure TMC integrations
#89 opened by agregory999 - 0
Add optional cluster autoscaler capability for shared services and workload clusters
#175 opened by doddatpivotal - 1
- 1
Deploys c5.xlarge for workload cluster even though I configured for something else
#166 opened by doddatpivotal - 1
- 0
Minimal doc/readme update needed
#172 opened by jgalvin98 - 0
- 1
- 0
Add License instructions to AVI lab
#147 opened by jaimegag - 0
Use FQDN and trusted CA for AVI Controller
#145 opened by jaimegag - 4
- 0
- 0
Support Google CloudDNS via external-dns
#128 opened by jaimegag - 0
Harbor OIDC login fails with custom Okta enpoint using Let's Encrypt certificate
#120 opened by crdant - 0
- 0
Upgrade Harbor Lab to 1.2
#107 opened by jaimegag - 0
Runaway Contour App Changes
#123 opened by doddatpivotal - 0
tmc delete requires -m and -p options
#117 opened by ccollicutt - 0
Data Protection Still Needs Work
#113 opened by doddatpivotal - 2
Move KubeApps to Workload Cluster
#84 opened by dbbaskette - 1
- 1
Fix Harbor integration
#31 opened by agregory999 - 2
Bump TKG version to 1.1.3
#88 opened by doddatpivotal - 0
External DNS
#30 opened by jkhan24558 - 0
- 0
Gitlab integration needs ssh support
#93 opened by dbbaskette - 1
Make server a Env Var for ArgoCD Lab
#45 opened by tkrausjr - 1
Create lab for operational practices
#46 opened by doddatpivotal - 0
- 0
Add bonus lab for deploying eduk8s
#86 opened by doddatpivotal - 0
Incorporate kubeapps into the lab
#75 opened by doddatpivotal - 0
- 0
tmc attach assumes you've logged into the tmc cli but I it's not explicitly stated anywhere
#61 opened by jaimegag - 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
DNS challenge fails with Google CloudDNS
#69 opened by jaimegag - 0
Argo CD Lab Improvements
#65 opened by doddatpivotal - 0
Add option to choose different networks for mgmt cluster and other clusters on vSphere
#59 opened by jaimegag - 1
Update the Gitlab lab docs
#53 opened by agregory999 - 0
Offer a Concourse/Helm Lab
#43 opened by agregory999 - 1
- 2
Issues in 01-prep-aws-objects
#34 opened by msathe-tech - 1
Issues in 02-deploy-aws-mgmt-cluster
#36 opened by msathe-tech - 1
AWS Cert-manager ClusterIssuer requires HostedZoneID if >1 zones are in use.
#28 opened by agregory999 - 1
YQ Failures
#29 opened by agregory999