
Materials for the presentation TUT2844 "Mastering Java Performance with async-profiler"

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Presentation materials

Improving Performance with async-profiler

A profiler is your best friend in finding performance bottlenecks. Although there are a lot of profilers available, even popular tools can be misleading. Furthermore, performance problems are sometimes hidden deep inside JVM or even the OS kernel. async-profiler is a modern open source tool that enhances the Java profiling experience by utilizing JVM internal structures, OS capabilities, and hardware performance counters. In this live demo session, you will see how async-profiler helps you discover subtle performance issues and native memory leaks in a Java application.



Code samples


This demo shows that most sampling profilers are misleading. The given program appends 5 symbols to the end of StringBuilder and deletes 5 symbols from the beginning of StringBuilder.

The real bottleneck here is delete(), since it involves moving of 1 million characters. However, safepoint-based profilers will display Thread.isAlive() as the hottest method. JFR will not report anything useful at all, since it cannot traverse stack traces when JVM is running System.arraycopy().


This test starts two similar clients. The code of the clients is the same, except that BusyClient constantly receives new data, while IdleClient does almost nothing but waiting for incoming data.

Most sampling profilers will not make difference between BusyClient and IdleClient, because JVM does not know whether a native method consumes CPU or just waits inside a blocking call.


This code demonstrates the importance of the kernel-level profiling.

The performance of FileInputStream.read() can drastically differ depending on the array size. For example, reading the file with a 32MB buffer is a lot slower than with a 31MB buffer. Only kernel-aware profilers will show where the problem is.

Another example shows that depending on the current Linux clock source, the performance of System.nanoTime() may differ by the two orders of magnitude.


In this test, a large amount of time is spent inside the vtable stub and inside the method prologue/epilogue.

Most sampling profilers, including AsyncGetCallTrace-based, fail to traverse Java stack in these cases. See JDK-8178287.


This demo shows how to start async-profiler as a JVM TI agent at JVM boot time.

Here is the list of options to use with -agentpath.

Wall-clock mode (-e wall) is usually more helpful for profiling an application startup, because the substantial amount of time can be wasted on locks, I/O, etc.


This test sends UDP datagrams in 10 threads simultaneously and calculates the total throughput (packets/s).

The default DatagramChannel in Java NIO demonstrates poor performance because of the synchronized block inside send() method.

Use async-profiler's lock profiling mode -e lock to find the source of lock contention.


Redundant memory allocation is the common source of performance problems. In this demo we improve the performance of a sample application with the help of allocation profiler: -e alloc.


The demonstration of async-profiler Java API.

  • AsyncProfiler.getInstance()
  • start() / stop()
  • dumpTraces()
  • execute()
  • selective profiling with resume() / stop()


This demo shows the importance of hardware performance counters. Two tests (test128K and test8M) execute the same number of operations, however, test128K completes much quicker than test8M.

CPU profiling shows no difference between two tests, but cache-misses profiling highlights test8M as the problematic method.


This test demonstrates a native memory leak caused by unclosed InputStream. Async-profiler's ability to profile native functions (-e malloc and -e mprotect) helps to track the memory leak down to the origin in Java code, i.e. getResourceAsStream().

Async-profiler can also profile Linux kernel tracepoints and show the mixed Java + native + kernel stack traces.

In this test, we discover the page cache leak by profiling -e filemap:mm_filemap_add_to_page_cache

Misconfigured log rotation results in a constantly growing log file accompanied by a constantly growing page cache.


This example shows how async-profiler helps to find the origin of an exception when no exception stack trace is printed.

Run profiler with -e java.lang.NullPointerException.\<init\>


This example makes use of JFR compatible output. Run with -f profile.jfr

The program generates a continuous load with the peaks of CPU usage every 5 seconds. The analysis of JFR output in Java Mission Control shows the cause of the peaks.


An extreme case of allocation profiling that traces every single object. Run profiler in alloc mode with -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:-UseTLAB.

Some objects are allocated in the VM code, and there are no Java stack traces for them. However, cstack option enables native stack traces in the allocation profiler.


--cstack lbr gets native stack traces using Last Branch Record feature of modern CPUs. This allows collecting meaningful stack traces, even when a native library is compiled without frame pointers.

Note: --cstack lbr works only for hardware counters, e.g. cycles or instructions.


G1 humongous allocations is a typical source of performance problems. Want to find places where humongous allocations happen? Run async-profiler with -e G1CollectedHeap::humongous_obj_allocate.

See also: To tune or not to tune? G1GC vs humongous allocation.


As shown in this example, long time-to-safepoint (TTSP) is a really annoying performance issue: one thread can make the whole application suffer from unexpected pauses.

async-profiler can be configured to automatically start profiling upon a safepoint request, and to stop profiling as soon as the JVM reaches the safepoint. This way async-profiler will show what code is responsible for long TTSP pauses.

The options to use are

--begin SafepointSynchronize::begin
--end RuntimeService::record_safepoint_synchronized


JMH now has built-in support for async-profiler.

This demo shows how to run JMH benchmarks with async-profiler. The key option is -prof async.


How to use async-profiler to trace voluntary context switches. Based on this Stack Overflow question.

-I/-X options are essential for filtering events we are interested in.


This example shows how JVM TI agent slows down execution of a Java application. The reason is an Exception Callback that forces deoptimization on every thrown exception.

First, cpu profiling reveals that deoptimization takes at least 20% cpu time.

Second, profiling Deoptimization::deoptimize shows where the deoptimization comes from. Note the reverse Flame Graph.

Finally, profiling java.lang.Throwable.<init> helps to collect statistics on thrown exceptions without JVM TI overhead.

To produce a backtrace view, use tree,reverse options.