- 脚手架:Vue-cli (Vue2)
- UI组件:Element-UI+View UI
- 后端框架:Springboot
- 数据库:Mysql
- 接口测试:Postman
- 路由:vue-router
- 用户登录
- 门户新闻及公告
- 个人信息查看及修改
- 课程表查看
- 成绩、考试信息查看
- 缴费信息查看
- 实验室开放信息查看
- 毕设信息查看
- 页面路由配置
- ..........
# install dependencies
npm install /yarn
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8888
npm run dev /yarn dev /yarn start
# build for production with minification
npm run build /yarn build
For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the guide and docs for vue-loader.