
Build and host a local user repo on gh-pages

Primary LanguageShell

Custom Arch Repository

This GitHub Actions workflow creates a custom local repository for Arch Linux using the gh-pages branch. It automates the process of cloning AUR packages, building them, and creating the repository structure.


To use this action, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new workflow file (e.g., .github/workflows/create-repo.yml) in your repository.

  2. Add the following content to the workflow file:

name: Create Custom Arch Repository

  push: workflow_dispatch

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - name: Checkout repository
      uses: actions/checkout@v3

    - name: Build and create repository
      uses: taonga07/CustomArchRepo@v1
  1. Create a new text file at packages.txt in your repository
  2. Add packages from the AUR (1 per line) you may use a # for notes

Accessing the Custom Repository

After the workflow completes successfully, you can add the custom repository to your Arch Linux system by modifying the /etc/pacman.conf file:

SigLevel = Optional TrustedOnly
Server = https://<username>.github.io/<repository-name>/$arch

Replace <repository-name> with the name of your repository and <username> and <repository-name> with your GitHub username and the name of your repository, respectively.

Now you can install packages from your custom repository using pacman -S <package-name>.