
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Required Libraries:

pandas, operator, matplotlib.pyplot

Python 3.5+ required

The repository contains our course project of Trends in Big Data Management

We have named our project as:

The notebooks are named with respect to the domain of interest

The acquired datasets can be found in the google drive link mentioned below: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1otKKrEH_eZK1UP8lPXBnKvJpZ_EI60a5?usp=sharing

dataset path is set default to root in the code. Necessary comments are added within each notebook's cells for better readability

The notbooks can be run locally through Jupyter Notebooks with Conda activated environment (base/others)

run the following command to activate your conda environment: conda activate base (or name of the environment) - for Linux activate base (or name of the environment) - for Windows

then run the following command to open the notebook directory in a web browser:

jupyter notebook

Otherwise, just upload the notebooks in Goggle Colab, and it should be ready to run