
This is the repo for CS_6550 galago tutorial

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is the repo for CS_6550 galago tutorial. In this repo I provide a toy dataset "trecText_toy_.gz" for you to play with in order to be farmiliar with galago. I test the instruction below on ubuntu 18.4. If you are working on win or mac, you might need to change a little bit.

Video tutorial

Video recording for 2020 fall can be found https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL53I9pG-wbQxWBFDGJkNwPCvuS-Iv6lkJ

First get the repo

git clone https://github.com/Taosheng-ty/CS_6550_galago_tutorial.git
cd CS_6550_galago_tutorial

You can build index with the scripts we provide,

chmod +x cmd.sh

Or you can build steps by steps with below instructions.

Then we need to download the galago

here I provide link to download the latest binary version. You may use other version or compile form the source file by yourselves. Detailed instruction for installation, please refer https://sourceforge.net/p/lemur/wiki/Galago%20Installation/ wget https://master.dl.sourceforge.net/project/lemur/lemur/galago-3.18/galago-3.18-bin.tar.gz Here I recommend to use JDK 8. I provide the following code to specify the JDK. JDK 11 seems not working.

wget https://download.java.net/openjdk/jdk8u41/ri/openjdk-8u41-b04-linux-x64-14_jan_2020.tar.gz
tar xvf openjdk-8u41-b04-linux-x64-14_jan_2020.tar.gz
SCRIPTPATH="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )"
export PATH=$SCRIPTPATH/java-se-8u41-ri/bin:$PATH

Afer finish downloading, we unzip galago and rename it as galago

tar -xzf ./galago-3.18-bin.tar.gz
mv galago-3.18-bin galago
chmod +x galago/bin/galago

Then, basically we can build index now. You have two choice. You can write a json file and build index. Here I give an example json file.

./galago/bin/galago build  build.json 

Or you can directly build index with command line,

./galago/bin/galago build --inputPath=trecText_toy.gz --indexPath=./index/ --filetype=trectext --tokenizer/fields+text

You can found more detail about how to build index from here

How to use galago api with java code?

I recommend you to use some IDE to help build it. For example you can use Eclipse (download here) to link the library and compile. Below are the steps to use API with java code in eclipse,

  1. Open eclipse and create a new java project, click File-->New--->Java Project

  2. Then you can write you own java code now. If you are not farmiliar with java, you can paste the folder tutorial_1 we provide in this repos to src/ of your java project. It transform between Internal ID and External ID. It's an exmaple we borrowed from here.

  3. Select the file you want to compile in src/ and add galago library, click Project--->Properties--->Java Build Path---> add External JARs. Then you need to select all jar file in galago/lib/

How to apply galago retrieval models?

There are acutually two ways to apply galago retrieval models.

  1. The first one is to use command lines. We provide some examples in tutorial_2/retrieve_model.sh for your play with. First you need to enter the follder,

     cd tutorial_2

    Then, you run it directly,

     chmod +x retrieve_model.sh

    Or you can do it step by step,

     cd tutorial_2
      bash ../galago/bin/galago batch-search --showNoResults=true --defaultTextPart=postings.krovetz   --mu=2000 --scorer=dirichlet --verbose=false --requested=20 --index=../index/  --queryFormat=tsv  --queries=query.titles.tsv >galago_dirichelet.txt

    This command line specifies the method as dirichlet with stemmer as krovetz. It sets \mu =2000 and will retrieve 20 documents. Another way to apply command line is to give parameter with json file,

      bash ../galago/bin/galago batch-search rm_model.json >galago_rm.txt

    rm_model.json gives an exmple of relevance model. Please read it.

  2. Another way to run retrieval models is to call Java API. The example is in tutorial_2/java_tutorial_2. You can run it just as you run examples in tutorial_1. Besides, we choose to show more details (like term count in documents) in this example to help you understand that Galago is doing exactly as the same as slides told.

When you get the retrieved ranked lists, you can evluated it to get metrics like NDCG, MAP, with galago eval. For more info, please check here.