Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Deep Learning Course


3 layers cloud computing, First, we use vargrant to enable three virtual machines as front-end, back-end, and data base.

${\Large\color{orange}A0 \ \ classfication \ \ \Large\color{pink}try}$

  • try classfication model with CIFAR10
  • Learned
    • write dataset class, dataloader
    • data transform with pytorch
    • build CNN model
    • simple train, test part

${\Large\color{orange}A1 \ \ classfication \ \ \Large\color{pink}practice}$

  • practice classfication model with Mnist, KMnist, Flower102
  • learned
    • dynamic add transform when training phase
    • use PrintLayer to debug model layer
    • Comparing the effects of different activation finction relu, leakyRelu, elu
    • Accelerating training with amp.GradScaler()

${\Large\color{orange}A2 \ \ Feed \ \ forward \ \ NN \ \ \Large\color{pink}Implement}$

  • Implement FN from scratch
  • learned
    • how NN work (forward, backward)

${\Large\color{orange}A3 \ \ LSTM \ \ \Large\color{pink}Implement}$

  • Solving simple NLP Problems with LSTM
  • learned
    • how LSTM worked (EOS, SOS, inference)
    • embedding layer, position encoding
    • Impact of teacher forcing

${\Large\color{orange}A4 \ \ Generative \ \ Model \ \ \Large\color{pink}train}$

  • preporcess binary dataset EMnist, and try 3 generative model DCGAN, Cycle GAN, Conditional diffusion model
  • learned
    • preporcess binary dataset EMnist to npy file
    • implement residual Block
    • implement resNet
    • Compare cycle gan different training methods
    • try Conditional diffusion model

${\Large\color{orange}A5 \ \ Unet \ \ Model \ \ \Large\color{pink}segmentation}$

  • implment Unet from scratch, and try to segment, classify CCAgT dataset
  • learned
    • design an Unet model
    • data preprocess process two img with same transform, find interested part and crop
    • implement attention Unet model, attention gate
    • use dice loss