Annotation Tool Usage


  1. Please make sure that the data is in the right folder and that label.txt is changed.
├─ input (Input files)
     ├─── source (you have to put video spurce here!)
     ├─── video (Extrated frames)
            └───── video_name/frame (run and auto generate frames.)
     ├─── frame.txt (URLID,Frame,Time)
     ├─── label.txt (TagID,Tag) (Have to write label you wnat to annotate!)
     └─── video.txt (URLID,URL)
├── lib (Web source code)
└── coin_annotation_tool.html (Click to label)
  1. If you want to use "Video Mode" please change the video.txt (URLID,URL).


Load Files

  1. Click coin_annotation_tool.html
  1. Click Load video file, Load label file, Load frame file to load video.txt ,label.txt, frame.txt
  1. Click Load to load files

Start Labeling

Frame Mode


  1. Setting: Set Row

  2. Save: Save current results

  3. Delete: Delete current video


  1. Select images by clicking start and end frame

  2. Click and select Tags

  3. Clear labeled results by Clear

Download results

Click Download to download results