
This is re-implementation/improvement of the source code release for the paper Matryoshka Networks: Predicting 3D Geometry via Nested Shape Layers Stephan Richter and Stefan Roth. In CVPR 2018.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Re-implementation/improvement of Matryoshka Networks: Predicting 3D Geometry via Nested Shape Layers

This re-implementation/improvement code from original repo from the paper

Matryoshka Networks: Predicting 3D Geometry via Nested Shape Layers
Stephan Richter and Stefan Roth. In CVPR 2018.
Paper Supplemental

Please cite original work if you use code or data from this/their repository.

Requirements and set up

Clone the repository via git clone https://github.com/TaplierShiru/MatryoshkaNet3DGeom.


  • python with version 3.7 and above
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • pillow
  • pytorch
  • torchvision

General notes

The shape layer representation will work the better the more consistent your input shapes are wrt. occlusions and nesting of 3D shapes. Meshes from different sources will probably be not consistent and in this case fewer layers are likely to work better. Keep in mind that few layers can often reconstruct remarkably well. If mesh quality varies in the dataset (as in ShapeNet), you are probably better off using a single shape layer and increasing the number of inner residual blocks (--block) or number of inner feature channels (--ngf).


Original repository supports ShapeNet in 2 versions: as used in 3DR2N2[1], and as used in PTN[2]. It also supports the highres car experiment from OGN[3]. To run it with the respective datasets, please check the DatasetCollector.py. It commonly expects only a base directory including sub directories for shapes and renderings. The renderings are expected to be 128x128 images (see below).

Adding a new dataset should be straightforward:

  1. process images with crop_images.py.
  2. convert binvox to voxel, voxel to shape layer with voxel2layer.
  3. write an adapter inheriting from DatasetCollector, which collects samples

But if you try to run experiments from original repository - it won't work as expected due to errors/mistakes in original repo. Here I try to improve and fix this errors/mistakes. Below you can find detail information how to run certain dataset.

3DR2N2 Dataset

Download data from here. We need ShapeNet rendered images and ShapeNet voxelized models.

Download this two folders, unzip and put them into for example 3d_r2n2 folder.

Before training you need to prepare data for dataset. You need do next steps:

  1. Convert .binvox files into .mat which are more suitable for training process. Command:
python binvox2mat.py /path/to/3d_r2n2/ShapeNetVox32 -r -p -w=10
  1. Convert .mat files into .shl.mat files which are encoded shape layers for training. Command:
python voxel2layer.py /path/to/3d_r2n2/ShapeNetVox32 -r -p -w=10 -n=1

After that, we can start training process. My command to get suitable results:

python train.py --gpu=0 --basedir=/path/to/3d_r2n2/ --ncomp=1 --side=32 --batchsize=128 --down=3 --block=4 --ninf=8 --ngf=
512 --drop=20 --save_inter=1 --save_results=./results

Then training process is finished, we can explore results via load_model_example_3dr2n2.ipynd, where you can look at IoU plot and choose best model for test. Then you choose it, test command is:

python test.py --gpu 0 --set=test --file ./results/matryoshka_ShapeNet_666.pth.tar --basedir ./3d_r2n2 --ncomp=1 --save_results=./results

Shapenet cars

Download data from here (direct link to dataset). Folder ogn_octree/shapenet_cars will contains only of .ot files aka voxels. Download scans/images from dataset above (only images) or here. To prepare dataset you need to do next steps:

  1. Convert .ot to .mat files. Next command will convert all type of voxels (64^3, 128^3 and 256^3), but you can convert only one folder what you want (/path/to/ogn_octree/shapenet_cars/256_l5 for example). Command:
python ot2mat.py /path/to/ogn_octree/shapenet_cars -r -p -w=10
  1. Convert .mat files into .shl.mat files which are encoded shape layers for training. Command:
python voxel2layer.py /path/to/ogn_octree/shapenet_cars -r -p -w=10 -n=5

My command to get suitable results:

python train.py --gpu=1 --shapenet_base_dir=/path/to/3d_r2n2/ShapeNetRendering --basedir=/path/to/ogn_octree/shapenet_cars --ncomp=5 --side=128 --batchsize=128 --down=4 --block=4 --ninf=8 --ngf=512 --drop=20 --save_inter=1 --val_inter=1 --epochs=50 --save_results=./results
_zoom --dataset=ShapeNetCars

Faust dataset

Download data from here (direct link to dataset). Folder faust will contains only of .ot files aka voxels. Download scans/images from here. To preare dataset you need to do next steps:

  1. You need merge this two folders, so ogn_octree/faust will contains of files from MPI-FAUST (there are test and training folders), just move these folders into ogn_octree/faust. At the end ogn_octree/faust folder will contains of folders:
128_l4  256_l5  64_l4  test  training
  1. Convert .ot to .mat files. Next command will convert all type of voxels (64^3, 128^3 and 256^3), but you can convert only one folder what you want (/path/to/ogn_octree/faust/256_l5 for example). Command:
python ot2mat.py /path/to/ogn_octree/faust -r -p -w=10
  1. Convert .mat files into .shl.mat files which are encoded shape layers for training. Command:
python voxel2layer.py /path/to/ogn_octree/faust -r -p -w=10 -n=1

My command to get suitable results:

python train.py --gpu=0 --basedir=/path/to/ogn_octree/faust --ncomp=5 --side=128 --batchsize=16 --down=4 --block=4 --ninf=8
 --ngf=512 --drop=1000 --save_inter=100 --val_inter=100 --epochs=2000 --save_results=./results --dataset=Faust

Input images

The networks are built to process input images of 128x128 pixels. For convenience, we provide a script that crops images to this size. Consequently, the DatasetCollector assumes that images are named *.128.png to indicate this format. Please have a look at crop_images.py and DatasetCollector.

Different background colors and algorithm to cut image with window size

Tested on 3DR2N2 Dataset.

In the file crop_images.py you can find two methods:

def load_image(temp, alpha_map_to=255): 

def crop_image(img: PIL.Image, size: int, pad = 100, background_value=128, resample=PIL.Image.LANCZOS):

With different alpha_map_to and background_value values - different final image result:

alpha_map_to - color of the background;

background_value - values of the padded values for image;

In the original repo background value and alpha map equal to 255 both (so image has white background and zoomed). But if you trained images not processed with crop algorithm in the original repo (so images has alpha channel) or image has alpha channel when if image loaded alpha channel will be equal to grey (128) value but crop will be with white (255) value. As a result final image will be with background 128 and NOT zoomed.

In first iteration I trained model with grey and NOT zoomed config. So my results were not good enough compare to original paper.

Here are examples with result of the model training on 3DR2N2 Dataset measured with IoU with different configurations:


From these experiments final output: using white background the final training has better metric score, and zoomed image has worse results. But the difference is small, so I think its does not matter.

Original repo use configuration with back color equal to 255 and zoomed. This repo have same configuration.


[1] C. B. Choy, D. Xu, J. Gwak, K. Chen, and S. Savarese. 3D-R2N2: A unified approach for single and multi-view 3D object reconstruction. ECCV 2016

[2] X. Yan, J. Yang, E. Yumer, Y. Guo, and H. Lee. Perspective transformer nets: Learning single-view 3D object reconstruction without 3D supervision. NIPS 2016

[3] M. Tatarchenko, A. Dosovitskiy, and T. Brox. Octree generating networks: Efficient convolutional architectures for high-resolution 3D outputs. ICCV 2017