
Simple tetris game application written uisng Qt framework.

Primary LanguagePython


This repo is a simple Tetris application written with Qt framework in Python. The main purpose of this repo is to improve knowledge in Qt framework. I hope you find it useful for your future code experience!

How to start

You have the following options in order to start use code/application in this repo:

  1. Setup your python environment (see paragraph below) and run main.py script in tetris_fb folder;
  2. Build .exe file from source for someone else (see paragraph below);
  3. Download one of the latest release (.zip file) and execute main.exe;

Setup for code

Update your python environment from requirements.txt file with following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Start script with

python tetris_fb/main.py

How to build app from source

After configuration of python environment, in project folder type next command:

pyinstaller main.spec

You will create two folders: build and dist. For production purposes (for users) use files in dist folder.

For more info you can explore main.spec file and official docs in PyInstaller.

Hope my example can help you to understand PyInstaller better!