Original repo: link
The code was converted to be able to use LFD metric (distance between two descriptors) that will compare visual appearance between ground truth mesh and retrieved mesh.
The original repository was adapted partially to run on Linux. Only LightField
was changed so it can be used through docker without any dependency. Underneath,
the container uses OSMesa for headless rendering.
pip install trimesh
pip install light-field-distance
python setup.py install
No need to explicitly install anything.
from lfd import LightFieldDistance
import trimesh
# rest of code
mesh_1: trimesh.Trimesh = ...
mesh_2: trimesh.Trimesh = ...
lfd_value: float = LightFieldDistance(verbose=True).get_distance(
mesh_1.vertices, mesh_1.faces,
mesh_2.vertices, mesh_2.faces
The script will calculate light field distances [1] between two shapes. Example usage:
from lfd import LightFieldDistance
import trimesh
# rest of code
mesh_1: trimesh.Trimesh = trimesh.load("lfd/examples/cup1.obj")
mesh_2: trimesh.Trimesh = trimesh.load("lfd/examples/airplane.obj")
lfd_value: float = LightFieldDistance(verbose=True).get_distance(
mesh_1.vertices, mesh_1.faces,
mesh_2.vertices, mesh_2.faces
The lower the metric's value, the more similar shapes are in terms of the visual appearance
The lfd.py
is a proxy for the container that install all the dependency necessary
to run a C code. The code performs calculation of Zernike moments and other
coefficients that are necessary to calculate the distance (3DAlignment
Then, these coefficients are saved and run by the Distance
program that calculated the
Light Field Distance. It prints out the result and the stdout from the printing
is handled by the python script.
If an image for the C code is not found, it builds one. The operation is performed once and it takes a while to finish it. After that, the script runs the necessary computations transparently.
Current repo could be build via Dockerfile. Certain packages assume that render will be done on headless server, but I think it should also work on any PC. Build and run docker via next commands:
docker build -t light-field:latest .
docker run --rm -it -d -v /home:$(pwd) light-field:latest bash
To test and compare cup vs plate:
python3 test.py
For headless render command will be:
Xvfb :99 -screen 0 1900x1080x24+32 & export DISPLAY=:99 && python3 test.py
For anyone interested in having a contribution, these are things to be done. Due to the time constraints, I'm not able to do these on my own:
- retrieve calculating coefficients from renders to be returned by a method
- bind C code with pybind11 to allow direct computation from the python code without any Docker dependency
I checked descriptor artifacts from the original implementation and compared with results in the docker through md5sum