Tson is a lightweight annotation/json based "custom" de/serializer
With Tson you are be able to serialize your Java-Objects to a Json and vice versa
- Supports Arrays of Primtives, Collections (Lists, Sets, ...), Maps.
- Has a Pretty-Json formatter
- Thread-Safe
- Access for Private-Fields
- Does not need any other libraries
- Automatic Empty-Constructor generation for newInstance
- Maybe ASM(Bytecode)-Based Reflection for faster De/Serialization (like ReflectASM)
//Serialization of User-Object
Tson tson = TsonMapper.getSerializer(new User());
//Deserialization as Class
User user = TsonMapper.getDeserializer(tson).getAs(User.class);
//Deserialization as Instance
//(To override Field-Values of a existing Instance)
User userInstance = new User();
User user = TsonMapper.getDeserializer(tson).getAsInstance(userInstance);
//You can also fetch single datas from JSON
Tson deserializedTson = TsonMapper.getDeserializer(tson).getTson();
public class User {
//Field userID will now be serialized with his fieldName and the value 0
private int userID = 0;
//Output: {"userID":0}
//Field username will be serialized with name "User-Name" and the value sample
private String username = "sample";
//Output: {"User-Name":"sample"}
public class User {
The serialization of Field "userID" will now be skipped if the value is 0, it's a good option, if you want to safe unnecessary json size for unimportant values (its not only for numeric values you can also use it for strings)
@Serialize(skipIfEquals = "0")
private int userID = 0;
//Field "username" will skipped if the value/object is null
@Serialize(skipNull = true)
private String username;
//Field "age" will skipped
@Serialize(skip = true)
private int age = 18;
//All Fields will be kept for deserialization
If you annotate a class with @SerializeAll, you will serialize ALL fields in the class
(functions of the @Serialize annotation are retained)
if you want to ignore a field in a @SerializeAll annotated class you can use the @Ignore annotation on a Field
(transient fields and skip-options from @Serialize will be also considered)
public class User {
private int userID = 0;
private String username = "User";
@Serialize(skipNull = true)
public String[] alias;
private int age = 18;
public class TestObject {
public int testInt = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public long testLong = Long.MAX_VALUE;
public boolean testBoolean = true;
public char testChar = 't';
public String testString = "String";
public String[] stringArray = {"test", "string"};
public class Main {
private static final String json = "{\"testInt\":2147483647,\"testLong\":9223372036854775807,\"testBoolean\":true,\"testChar\":\"t\",\"testString\":\"String\",\"stringArray\":[\"test\",\"string\"]}";
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
private static void benchmark(boolean deserialize) {
long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 100_000; i++) {
if (deserialize)
TsonMapper.getSerializer(new TestObject());
System.out.println("took: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - before) + "ms.");
took: 390ms. (Warm up)
took: 240ms.
took: 231ms.
took: 212ms.
took: 213ms.
took: 331ms.
took: 198ms.
took: 189ms.
took: 230ms.
took: 114ms.
If your class has a Constructor with parameter, ensure that you add a Non-Argument (Zero Arg) Constructor to your class, if your class has no constructor you can skip this process.
public class SampleClass {
public boolean sampleBoolean;
public SampleClass(boolean sampleBoolean) {
this.sampleBoolean = sampleBoolean;
public SampleClass() {} //<== Needs to be added
public class SampleClass {
public boolean sampleBoolean;
//Does not have to be added