Overlays for Retropie 4.x - Retroarch/Libretro

Arcade game overlays created for Lr-Mame2003 (latest version with correct aspect ratio) and 1080p Display. Users reported overlays work also with lower resolution (1366x768) and with (lr)Final Burn Alpha.

Selected Console overlays, generic and game specific, are also included.

Original logos, artwork, graphics and trademarks are property of their respective owners.

These Overlays are NOT for commercial use.

How to install

Using meleu's rpie-art.sh script:

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/meleu/rpie-art
cd rpie-art

After launching rpie-art.sh you just have to follow the instructions in the dialog boxes.

How to install manually

Each overlay folder contains specific instruction; generally setup OVERLAY in this way:

The .cfg files assume retroarch overlay folder is: /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/overlays/arcade-bezels/

If using a different folder, edit .cfg files accordingly.

If folder does not exist on your RetroPie, create arcade-bezels folder with the mentioned path.

Summarizing the steps:

  • ssh or ftp into Pi
  • copy romname.zip.cfg into your mame-libretro (lr-mame2003) ROMS folder
  • copy png file and romname.cfg into overlay folder

Launching Images

Game specific launching images are named RomName-lanching.png (or .jpg). To install copy the image to the RetroPie/roms/[SYSTEM]/images/ folder on your RetroPie and, if needed, rename the file to match the exact name of the ROM plus the trailing -launching.png (or .jpg).

Have fun !